What bots/hacks are allowed?

I’ve said this to you before and I’ll say it again: I know you’re just the messenger, so I’m not directing this at you. I know you’re handed a list of things you can and can’t say, things you’re required to post verbatim, etc. You’re just the go-between. So I’m not mad at you.

But that is complete BS and EVERYONE knows it.

The economies of nearly every server.on the planet are BLOWN OUT, bloated with mass botfarmed raw gold and high end materials. Inflation is already getting close to the tipping point where it starts a positive feedback on itself and just goes full Venezuela tier.

We have been desperately trying to tell you that something more needed to be done about botting since Q4 of last year. there are dozens if not hundreds of videos you can find with a simple search on YouTube right now showing legions of bots, in zones from ZF to ZG to Stepped to Winterspring to Silithus, farming up black lotus and groms blood and plague bloom and silver sage and arcane crystals 24/7/365 and generating ridiculous amounts of raw gold while also siphoning gold off of the actual legitimate player base for boosting.

It isn’t just the worst kept secret for classic players. It’s the worst kept secret in all of MMO gaming. This game is infested to its core with botters and you guys don’t lift a finger other than to pay lip service to your supposed commitment to fair and legitimate play. We let private servers get away with this because we understood that they were private servers and didn’t have your resources. We also knew that they were getting a kickback from the gold sellers and it didn’t bother us that much.

You guys don’t have those excuses. You are quite literally a multi-billion dollar company. You could pay three people to review reports for each server and not even really feel it. Three people. On rotating 8-hour shifts. Reviewing reports. That would probably cut botting at minimum in half just by getting a set of eyes that have a pulse attached to them to review the toasters that are being reported. But you guys can’t even bring yourself to do that.

I specifically posted like a year ago that I knew if something wasn’t done about botting quickly and harshly, The server economies would eventually get to the point where inflation was out of control. Not even one year later and here we are.

You guys should be banning bots every Tuesday morning at minimum. And I’m not talking 72 hours that’s a slap on the wrist for them and a giant middle finger for us. Being banned for being confirmed beyond reasonable doubt to be a botter should be a permanent ban for that account. No three strikes, no warning, no wrist slap, no teehee we’re going to punish you but not really BS. Delete ban salt the Earth.

And then for God’s sake go after the websites making the bots! You did it with Glider and you did it with honorbuddy You can do it with these too.


Hi Blizzard.

Just did a /who strath mage


Thanks for your hard work!!!

Starter Edition accounts can’t play Classic. Even if they could, a level 20 isn’t going to be able to farm Black Lotus or level 60 dungeons.

At this point, Classic WoW feels like playing Ragnarok Online on it’s official servers when it came out. There were no instances, so the easier farms were totally infested and unplayable by any human character. Literally dozens upon dozens of obvious bots in areas meant to support less than 10 players.

The problem got so bad that players started releasing modified versions of the publicly available and paid bots that would allow other players to remote access command them with whispers. You could get them to assist you, log off, run to zones they couldn’t survive and die repeatedly, etc.

Maybe that’s the solution now?


Pretty sure Classic was started up to lock the talent out of the engine.

It would seem you will simply have to live with the bots.

Hey man, these are honest and paying customers who are legitimately playing the game 24/7 in one instance! Has anyone ever thought to consider the bots and bot developers are financially supported by Blizzard?

Translation I reported someone who wasn’t actually botting for botting and blizzard did nothing, how dare they.

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And yet, any time of day, I can “/who Stratholme” and there will be dozens of mages/warriors/druids with gibberish 5-letter names.



Understaffed. Blizzard, put a crowbar in your wallet and hire some people to take care of this. You’re a billion dollar corporation and private servers do better than this running on fumes and volunteers.

And really, if private servers can determine who buys gold, I’m pretty sure you have the tools for that as well. Ban the buyers.


This community is pathetic. Love forums


I mean they have lied to their players continously over the years. It is not surprising you have people in here that take everything they say with more than a grain of salt.


Doesn’t make them less pathetic

No they aren’t.

That is the one of the most erroneous statements that I have read. The game would be much more fulfilling and enjoyable if Blizzard did anything to combat this tidal wave of cheaters destroying the servers.


What the actual hell???


Thank you for the clarification. Thank you and everyone for the hard work.

Well that’s got to be one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read on this forum, Grats!


Nostalrius never had bitter problems remotely close to this. What gives?

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Please be encouraged to keep using the in-game reporting system for cheat/hack reports. Those complement our systems that automatically look for the ever-changing strategies and software that the botters are using, and reports really help us zero in on new hacks more quickly than we would have without them.

I have reported the same teleporting herbalism bot in felwood for months and you guys do nothing. I herb multiple times a week and every time i see him (and I always do) I report him. Do something about it


Sanctions are not serious enough.