What bots/hacks are allowed?

Why aren’t robots banned, they’re still farming 24/7, and why are real players banned?


I bet your employees are just throwing random numbers at you, we need proof or your claims or you are lying or being lied to.


This is what my Transmission teacher would call “A load of Horse Hockey”

If you were actually policing hackers and botters then teleport hackers would be INSTANTLY DISCONNECTED instead of being able to farm Black Lotus for weeks before possibly being banned.
How is it possible, in the year 2020, for you to NOT have a way to detect possibly the easiest cheat?? Its impossible for a player to travel X distance in Y amount of time. Its basic mathematics.

Our anti-cheat team takes action against botters and hackers 24/7, and every time I’ve asked them “how many botters were actioned yesterday?”, the number is always in the thousands. That’s a global number, by the way.

I t took 9 months for the first ban wave. So we can all assume you talk to them every 9 months or so.


Holy s… a blue response within 3 posts…

Yet the OCEANIC FORUMS havent had a blue response in OVER A YEAR.


i like the blue response i guess it’s time to pretend things are ok with classic now that we have an esports thing coming up

While this guy is an idiot, technically “lag” is the reason these hacks work LOL. They fake having a connection error and then telling the game “oh, actually the character is over HERE now” and the game’s server says “well, you were lagging I guess, so that’s fair enough. I won’t flag you with a movement violation this time”. That’s why sometimes the teleport DCs a bot, the faked handshake with the server didn’t go properly.

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…just a thought, shareholders don’t care about wow geeks complaining about other wow geeks…bottom line is revenue and legitimate paying accounts are revenue, hacked accounts aren’t…I would imagine that the only accounts that would get banned are hacked/illegitimate accounts, which aren’t revenue…without revenue wow becomes a Detroit…no one wants that…

Words are cheap, Blizzard. Give us results.


It takes weeks and often times 3-4 reports to get a bot banned on the medium population server I play on (Deviate Delight).

It’s not that bots aren’t banned, its that they are detected and banned so slowly that often times considerable damage has already been done to the economy by the time they are banned.

The anti-cheat/hacks team may be working to stymie the tide of people botting/cheating/selling gold for money…but they are losing. The botters are approaching this battle like an attrition fight where they keep creating new accounts and bots because by the time their old ones are banned, they’ve made enough money to justify buying / opening new accounts to bot more.

When many people ask open ended questions like:

“Does Blizzard even care if people bot, where can I get my own bot?” they are being hyperbolic.

It’s people’s passive aggressive way of communicating that was is being done as a deterrent is ineffective.

It’s not preserving the play experience of people who engage in the game legitimately.

Showing up and telling the community your colleagues are busy at work banning botters may be true.

The problem is, what they are doing does not appear to be effective, because botting is widespread and after a ban wave there is a new resurgence if bots which is noticed and commented on almost immediately by the community on these official forums.

People have posted screenshots and videos on these forum boards of the above following a large ban wave (documenting the resurgence) without a single comment from a forum community manager or a developer.

It’s like we’re on a boat with holes in it, and the companies answer to the boat taking on water is to just use buckets to bail the water out of the boat.

Using buckets to bail water out of the boat is only part of a solution to a multi-faceted problem.

The Classic WoW team basically had to be publicly shamed by Twitch streamers and YouTubers posting video of people botting dungeons to fix some of the issues.

Even after that public shaming, the Classic team didn’t go back and put in the work to correct a lot of the exploits and pathing issues that exist in dungeons…but to just limit the # of dungeons that can be run per account.

I genuinely dont believe there is much of a Classic team, which is why support for Classic has been so poor throughout it’s re-release.


And yet i still see so many every day that it looks like yall are doing nothing.


Of you are playing with someone cheating like that you should report them immediately and in as best detail you can describe the situation and what you think is happening.

One of the new botting hotspots is AQ40, many hunter bots and some mage bots are in there 24/7 farming scarab keys from the soloable first trash mob. There’s a whole alliance guild on my server Arugal named “Solid” that has many of these bots in AQ40 and other zones.


There are alots too in Stratholme bot 24/7 multiboxer , some in ZG too
most of the bots now use multiboxer…

this is truth, i did /who strat found alot of bots there 24/7hrs online without getting ban… half of them with chinese name :sweat_smile:

why has my husband witnessed the same fly hacking hunters zoning in and out of dm for at least 2 weeks despite being reported?


just wait for shadowlands to inevitably fail so they’ll realize classic is their only saving grace and actually give it the attention it deserves

ya plz keep spaming the chat abuot your caniso it’ll go great with all the boosting and raid being sold for gold

I know it’s bannable in the EU but the US well…

I reported a bot the other day and I got an in game mail from blizzard saying they took action against someone i reported

Does banning them even work when the game is free to play at a low level?