What bothers me the most about classic

Well, you personal experience doesn’t really mean much.

Given the subscription growth continued into Q4 tps://investor.activision.com/news-releases/news-release-details/activision-blizzard-announces-third-quarter-2019-financial

Ques are still in the two hour range during high traffic times. I would say the same amount are enjoying it over all.

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It is clear that all they look at is numbers and gauge what they do based on that…

For instance if people are participating in a thing and they see numbers that show people are doing that they AUTOMATICALLY think that that is what people want more of as opposed to we are doing it because we have to.

I feel like that’s why they wont add a PVP VENDOR back to the game because they see lack of participation and automatically think that people don’t like it anymore.

What bothers me most about classic is when people use it to dunk on modern.
I love modern and BfA; I have so much fun playing it and every time I login there are loads of other people playing it and having a good time as well. Classic is fun yes, but modern is also fun for a ton of people; I find it far and away better than classic.


I don’t have BfA. I returned to WoW after leaving at the end of Pandaria because I admit to being burned out some, overly stressed IRL, and because I bought into the no-flying fear and a general sense of malaise about WoD. I watched the occasional cinematic but felt WoW had left me behind. I heard about Classic, and I remembered all the fun I had at it. And…it wasn’t nearly enough to draw me back.

The Shadowlands cinematic, however, was. I saw that I had been gifted WoD and Legion, and decided to play through both of those and then BfA afterwards. And I’ll admit, I love me some retail. I also have a character on Classic now, and it’s a whole separate game that I ~also~ love. And they really are almost two separate games, and that’s okay as far as I’m concerned.

Try both, not for one to be better, but to enjoy two very different games with historical relation. One doesn’t need to be ‘better’. I’m about to head into Legion soon. Had a great time in WoD, and am kind of sad I missed it. Still running Naval Missions atm, but have to wait on my new vid card to arrive before I can play retail again. Total side note, but you can actually play Classic on onboard graphics from a 10 year old processor. That’s amazing!


Unfortunately you don’t seem to understand the definitiona of the word “fact,” or “proof,” or “majority.”

If you have any facts or proof, or get around to googling the word “majority,” feel free to post your findings here!

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First of all I would never dare stool to somebody else, that’s disgusting. But hey, whatever you are into I’m not judge nor jury here.

That being said, your petty and emotional response without any facts or rational thought (combined with your illiteracy) speaks more firmly to who/what YOU are than my post does about me.

Why are you so mad?

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see your first response had me laughing about my spelling error and then you follow up with the rest of your comment and now I just don’t know what to do.

You mean the part where the biggest sub growth in WoWs history came from WoW Classic meaning it outdid BFA?

Classic is honestly a chore, retail is more of a game. Classic is great for what makes it great but I haven’t been able to play it in weeks after going back to retail. The classic community is pretty elitest and toxic. I got gkicked for reciting Corky Ramano in gchat with some friends. People complain about dungeon finder etc, but inorder to actually get work done in classic you need to be in the in crowd and work a 9 to 5. Oh you work nights? Oh you’re off Sunday and Monday? Sorry you can’t raid. I was able to pug MC and Onxyia but you’re not gonna be able to pug the later raids so I won’t be seeing them. Just having the premade group box makes life so much easier to find groups for content whatever it may be. I’m happy that classic got me to resub after a few years hiatus, it got me to try retail after spending several 100 hours clearing the phase 1 content. Retail works alot better for my schedule. Classic probably saved WoW mearly cause it brought alot of people back, people who will probably play Shadowlands once classic has ran its course.

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I guess at this point all we can do is hope blizz rediscovers fun.

Maybe Blizz has gotten so large, and its such a chore to manage all the different games, that folks are swamped with design and numbers and meetings and schedules. And now they just don’t have the energy to make sure stuff is actually fun.

  • T

That is a 100% false statement. Unless you can provide facts to support your “feeling” about that…which you can’t.

What’s ironic is that your statement there is so obviously wrong because when sub growth was actually tracked (they are not now, which is why your statement is so laughably false) the largest sub increases came at expansion launches.

You’re probably one of those derps that think there was a “world first 60!” for classic…NEWSFLASH: the world first happened 15 years ago and all the people getting 60 now are the 87,767,211th to 60…

TLDR: even if subs were tracked now, you’d still be wrong. Imagine being DOUBLE wrong lol, grats on that.

Did you not listen to the earnings call? Or are you just being willfully ignorant to what’s going on?

did you have a hard time reading your own post? Numbers. You need numbers. Earnings calls are meant to positively describe the state of an organization in order to encourage investment and boost shareholder value. They did not quote sub numbers, since they haven’t done that in years.

Are you being willfully ignorant that it takes numbers as opposed to rosy biased descriptions of numbers to prove an actual point?

What does setting a record mean?

What does “using numbers mean?” What does “support your statement” mean?

Please, for your own sake, do both of the above instead of flopping around like a wet fish.

Irrelevant. Answer the question. Or keep dodging that’s fine.

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You’ve been asked to provide numbers to support your point and all you can come up other is “NO, YOU!”

Come on, you can’t be this dim, can you?

Still waiting for numbers to support your statement…and I have a feeling I’ll be waiting for a long (infinity) time…

Actually numbers have already been provided from Superdata. Claiming that the sub revenue has increased an estimated 223% in August compared to July. Nothing new or exciting came out in Retail during that time. That topped on with the earnings call again stating that it added record numbers to their subscription plans means that it outdid BFA in terms of sub growth.

Unless you actually work in the office and can provide information claiming that this is false, you have no argument. Other than running around like a tater tot claiming that you specifically need numbers when they’re telling you that Classic has been doing so well that it’s outdoing BFAs launch.

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Again, you’ve yet to provide any numerical proof to support whatever your claim has morphed into at this point.

The original poster made false claims and you attempted to support them but have now changed your claim to “classic added a lot of subs to the game,” which is clearly true. Nobody is arguing against that.

The game at one point (I’m psure it was WotLK) had 12+ million subs and they stopped publishing it I believe the expac after. So any claims without numbers to support what the original crybaby opined: “Classic has more subs than retail” is still categorically false.