What bothers me the most about classic

First off, I’m not down on classic in any way shape or form. If a person pays their money, they should be able to have a good time on their own terms.

What bothers me is this:

A 15 year old game is a stronger draw than BFA.

Ian and crew are great at engineering and schedules and spreadsheets and numbers.

They are horrible at fun.

I hope the devs make a serious effort to put the fun back into the game. Obviously a lot of “features” aren’t very much fun and are pushing people away.

  • T

What bothers me most about classic are the posts that are supposed to be in classic forums.

Fur the Horde :fox_face:


1: Prot Pally: LFG
1: Randos: Heal or get reported!


I’m happy you’re happy with Classic. I piddled around in it for a while… then… well… I’ve done it all before many times. And running that much just doesn’t work for me at this point.



What an odd looking cookie…


(hangs head in shame but… it’s fixed lol)



There are parts of wow that no other mmo can beat. There dungeons and raids have been the industry standard. Wildstar was the only mmo that came close. However it was so buggy it failed. :no_good_woman::woman_facepalming::tipping_hand_woman::tipping_hand_man::zombie::mage:


I tanked as a pally in classic and not once did that happen because ya know tanks are hard to come by


Its a stronger draw than any other mmorpg at the market atm. I dont find classic very fun though. And i am 100% certain devs are far far away form beign the only responsible for game peaks or downs. The industry as a whole was deacying very fast.

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Running around for hours (literally running) in circles, competing for mob tags, each level takes hours, old content, and toxic community…

Classic is the OPPOSITE of fun. But I guess for unemployed people with enough time to play it, maybe that’s what they call “fun?”


The idea that the classic version of one of the most popular/successful video games of all time generating a ton of enthusiasm amounts to some type of scathing commentary on the live game doesn’t hold any weight.

Nostalgia is a powerful force in entertainment. Blizzard may just now be discovering this, but we see it all the time. It’s why Disney can basically print money with live action remakes of beloved animated films.

It’s also why people are constantly looking to remake and reboot existing material, even mediocre material, like the A-Team, Transformers, or whatever.

The investment is already there. Magnified by positive memories from the past.

Vanilla WoW was a phenomenon, so it works like that. How many twitch streamers have memories of playing the game growing up? How many people are gamers because World of Warcraft drew them in years ago?

It’s great that classic is a hit. It’s good news for the game overall. There may be some ways to draw inspiration from the classic version of the game. But the success of classic is not a profound condemnation of retail.

More like a testament to the amazing experience that vanilla wow truly was for so many people.


Oh look another thinly veiled make retail more like classic thread. Not like there are a gazillion of these threads already, and using that scroll wheel to find those threads is difficult.


I’m sure there are some people who find classic more fun than retail just like I’m sure there are some people who find going to the library more fun than going to the movies.


I enjoyed dungeons and raids a bit more in Rift compared to modern WoW. I feel like current WoW is a bit too reliant on movement for mechanics compared to it, but I could blame that on the pruning.


I have almost 0 interest in Classic despite enjoying some aspects of what makes it work. I just can’t get invested in something that has a full stop endpoint. That takes away the reason I enjoy MMOs in the first place.


You did however get benched or removed if a warrior wanted to tank


What do you think Classic’s endpoint will be? What will be its last raid?

I don’t understand this stance at all. A full stop endpoint? What does that even mean?

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A point at which the content stops coming. As opposed to playing Retail where there may be resets but there will always be new stuff. And moving on to TBC and such doesn’t cut it for me. That has it’s own endpoint and leveling is one of the main draws to Classic for me anyway.


It’s somebody pretending that Classic content isn’t being progressively released over the next ~2 years, and that BC won’t come out after that, and that WotLK won’t come out after that.