What Bothers Me Most About Multiboxing

I ask that you hear me out, before you flame me out. What bothers me most about multiboxing is not the multiboxers themselves, but Blizzard’s attitude towards fixing multiboxer issues.

Case in point. For the entirety of BFA, people would go to the Quillrat farm to pick up leather and quills on demand. The quillrats spawned almost instantly and always had an excellent drop rate. In the past few months, on my server at least, multiboxers were just parking there and consuming all of the resources making it impossible for single box players to gather these materials from that location. So, someone at Blizzard had the great idea to nerf the quillrat farm completely. No longer are the multiboxers taking all of those resources, Blizzard says that no one can take those resources either. Blizzard also chose to do this at the end of an expansion.

If Blizzard does not want multiboxers taking resources on that scale, the answer should not be to punish the entire community. If the multiboxer community is comprised of 5% of the community, why punish the 95% who do not use this technology?

I don’t have anything against multiboxers myself. In fact, if I could afford the hardware and time, I would probably multibox myself. At the same time, there is a long tradition of community and etiquette in WoW that seems to have dwindled in recent times. If I am out farming and have my BM Monk set up to pull in resources for 40 yards and collect loot in that manner, I always send invites to those people who show up looking for the same resources. I personally have seen a multiboxer drop one of their characters to invite me to participate in a farm they were working on.

What bothers me most about Multiboxing is not the multiboxer. What bothers me most is that Blizzard has chosen to set a precedent of punishing everyone, for something they have encouraged others to do.

Just my two cents on a Tuesday morning.


because when 5% of the community has 20 accounts, suddenly they are actually 51.2% of the community.


This would make an interesting problem for my Algebra students. Thanks!

“If 5% of the community becomes 51.2% of the community with 20 accounts, how many accounts are in the community? Round to zero decimal places.”


The easiest way for blizz to stop multiboxers is to change it back to 1 hit gathering nodes.

This change would suck for everybody. But it would remove the multibox gathering incentive.

And I for one, support multiboxers and the price reducing effects on the economy. So let’s not make that change.


Why fix what gives more money. They’ll probably ask us to multibox next expansion cause our souls got Horcruxed in SL and now we have to go all DragonBall Z and wish ourselves whole

Again with this spam. There are 2 other active threads about this topic. But looking at OP, they’re probably just an alt of some frequent MBoxer poster so they don’t care. :roll_eyes: Enough with the spam.


LOL that’s being really generous. I would guess 0.5% of the community has 20 accounts.


“I don’t hate multiboxers, I just hate Blizzard for allowing them in the game.” Yeah, sure.


I like how everyone says “look at this; it’s spam!”

Other than seeing that a lot of people in the community really don’t like the premise of multi boxing in general due to the implication of spend more money get more stuff


well in that case, and asuming nobody else multiboxes, multiboxers account for 9.1% of accounts. If others multibox but with fewer accounts then the proportion will increase. Either way blizz won’t do anything because it would destroy the wow token market.

Doubt it I think there are enough people throwing dollars at their screens so they can pay for carries

… what? How? Where are you getting your percentages? I made mine up.

The issue is that a few people with these multiboxing accounts take over the AH in markets with gathering professions. They completely kick the playerbase out of gathering professions and making gold then they tell you to pick up crafting to make more money. It’s kind of dumb tbh

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OH we so needed another one of these…


They should just extend the spawn rate and also fix professions so that perhaps theirs multiple ways to gather mats. Even the mat supply out with other beasts.

Well, it kind of is.


SOOO are you saying you are mad because they nerfed your farming spot?

I see farming is still happening off of hangman’s point. They have just moved to the Saurolisk’s. And there are plenty around as to not interfere with questers.

Checked Aerie Peak and Earthen Ring. Skinning farming is going on.

You, as a non multiboxer still have PLENTY of places to get leather from.

I see this post as only another poorly veiled attempt to cause a problem in the community that really does not exist.

Have a great day.

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Bring back garrisons. :grinning:


Seems like blizzard don’t consider it spam so it must be fine


say there are x accounts. if multiboxers account for 0.5% of players and have 20 accounts each then there are .1x multibox accounts out of (.005*20x + .995x) = 1.095x total accounts. The ratio of the two rounds to 9.1%.