What are your top 5 most fun melee dps specs in TWW?

consider rotation, animations, look and feel and design. Please try to not consider numbers

1: Fury Warrior. The gameplay and just how it feels to play is, in my opinion, the most satisfying melee spec to play.

2: Havoc DH. The animations and mobility along with the speed of it, is just fun to play. Also eye beam is one of the most satisfying buttons to press.

3: Enhance Shaman. Its hectic. There are a lot of procs and things lighting up. And just the look of lightning flying everywhere with tempest and things just melting is a lot of fun.

4: Assassination Rogue. The spec just feels smooth to play. It is the opposite of the other three. It has some setup, but everything just feels like it flows together. The abilities synergize and it feels rewarding.

5: This one was tough for me. Survival Hunter. Its chaotic, there isnt a ton of synergy. There are procs and short CDs. Its fun to play, because there doesnt feel to be a lot of rhyme or reason to it. Its just a salad of things to press.


Havoc DH is the only melee spec I’ve ever found fun, otherwise I just play casters.

Obviously brewmaster.

Ret, WW monk, feral druid, DH and fury warrior.

Cap’n I got five.

1: Fury Warrior
2: Outlaw Rogue
3: Survival Hunter
4: Havoc DH
5: WW Monk

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  1. survival
  2. ret
  3. fury
  4. arms
  5. havoc
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For me (in PVP):
Assassination rogue and Havoc DH are the most fun.

Rogue with stealth is incredible, the whole theme is on point. I LOVE sudden demise, where your remaining bleeds just outright kill people when they get low. It feels so good to load them up and not feel like they were wasted.

DH’s movement is the best in the game. Sadly in PVE they have to waste it to do damage :rofl:, but in pvp it is so freeing. Eyebeam is the best button in the game and rain from above a close second. Very thematic too. Excellent xmogs

The only correct answers are:

Fury Warrior.
Retribution Paladin.

Honorable mention: Outlaw Rogue.


5: I don’t play melee.

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1: Unholy DK - my main, they almost nailed the spec this expac. It is very close to being truly special imo.

2: Enhance Sham: my secondary - totemic is an absolute blast.

3: Assassin rogue: Poison, bleeds, poison bomb looks sick.

4: WW monk - Feels really fun to play.

5: Survival Hunter: This spec has a special place in my heart and its consistently getting better in its design (hero talents are a bit lacking though)

  1. Retribution Paladin
    The rotation and utility are exactly what I’m looking for. Its burst is based around 30 seconds, so its damage profile is fairly consistent, which I appreciate (I’m tired of the 2-3 minute cooldown-dependent classes). Some of the gear sets are decent-looking. If the spec has one major flaw, it’s the animations. I can’t stand the hammer-centric visuals, and I’m not a fan of yellow effects. A red-themed version of the spells, similar to Imperius from Diablo, would be awesome if introduced in a quest line like warlocks green fire.

  2. Havoc Demon Hunter
    This spec has some great animations, though I wish the fire effects were updated to resemble the aesthetic of Maldraxxus from Shadowlands. I used to enjoy the simple rotation, but then they introduced Essence Break and Momentum, which overcomplicated things and split the player base. With only two specs in the class, these mechanics could have been the foundation for a third spec instead.

  3. Feral Druid
    I love the cat forms and the bleed animation style. Unfortunately, the rotation is one of the most convoluted in the game. Because of this complexity, Feral has always been a hard pass for me, even though Bear is my main.

  4. Fury Warrior
    The animations feel lackluster, and I hate weaving in Whirlwind for such a small-capped AoE. However, running around with two massive two-handers is undeniably fun and adds to the fantasy of the spec.

In no particular order: Ret Pally, Outlaw Rogue, Kitty Drood, Enhance Shammy, Furry Warrior

  1. Feral Druid
  2. Guardian Druid
  3. Prot Pally
  4. Assassin Rogue
  5. Windwalker Monk
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Feral and fury, pew pew for ranged.

Fury and ret. They go on here even if you are not thinking about numbers. They are just fun

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I’ve only played 2 and they are both incredibly fun.

Assassination: it’s so intuitive and smooth, once you get into the flow of it, you know exactly what to hit and when. The cooldowns work well together and lots of little qol perks. It’s not perfect. There are issues around energy regen as well as having to use utility spells as core dps abilities. In full dungeon build, your single target rotation hits everything around you which can cause issues on some fights (like the vulpin in mists). Cloak of Shadows is the bestest ability ever and I miss it on every other class I ever touch.

Feral. It’s so weak-sauce and flawed this xpac. You can still put out great numbers but you work twice as hard as anyone else, especially the above rogue. However it’s incredible fun at the same time. I love getting to use either hero specialization depending on the fight. You can provide a lot of (mostly passive) support to your team. There’s lot of nifty options you can choose, like being able to moonfire as a kitty or cast free heals, there’s flexibility in what you choose to include in your builds (unlike rogue which has had pretty static builds this season) and you often have a tool or two for whatever affix is up in any given week.

I don’t have 5 melee dps, but Rogue is pretty fun. I like Subtlety the most because it keeps you active and feels fast. Shadowblades + Symbols of Death is one of the most satisfying CD windows to pull off. Assassination is fun when you get into a Deathstalker’s Mark reset window (basically only happens in trash pulls) but outside of that it feels very, very slow to play which is funny because like you have 300 energy in Assassination but just have boring windows especially in single target where you’re slowly watching energy regen so you can do a 5+ CP finisher to progress Deathstalker’s Mark. It’s terrible lol.

Protection Warrior
Blood Death Knight
