ww monk is the most fun for sure.
Frost dk has been a blast since I finally got a second one hander.
Fury warrior gets boring for me fast and I’m an odd duck who likes arms warrior. Though it feels bad when you can’t easily aoe and st.
Dh seems like it will be getting a lot of improvements.
I haven’t played enough ret to speak towards it but I assume it’s the same as always medium fun.
wwmonk is the most fun to me but it feels very middle of the pack at all times heh
- Combat Rogue
- Combat Rogue
- Combat Rogue
- Combat Rogue
- Combat Rogue
Honorable mentions to Combat Rogue. Cracked out Pistol Shot > all things.
5 melee specs might be tough for me to scrape together, but I enjoy frost dk, enhance shaman, and ww monk the most. Enhance feels more like a caster but don’t know the history of the class. My ww monk has crazy good dps but the defensives have taken a while to master.
I enjoy less: my rogue and fury warrior. The warrior I havent got the mechanics down yet as a new toon. The rogue I had the most fun with when i tried Outlaw a while back.
I’ve tried several of them but the only two I play are Ret Paladin and Frost Death Knight. Ret Paladin was my first real main back before I switched to MM Hunter and I like Frost Death Knight because of the connection to Arthas, the Knights of the Ebon Blade, etc.
The only draw back is that my fingers don’t always get along with my brain and playing melee is a little too difficult. It’s easier just to stand in one place and blast away.
I’ve only played a couple melee classes this expansion so far… so… I guess:
- Arms Warrior
- Fury Warrior
- Feral Druid
- Enhancement Shaman
- Survival Hunter
And that’s all I’ve played. Haven’t touched the other melee classes at all yet. Maybe I should level more classes with the Turbulent Timeways buff being active.
1.) fury
2.) arms
3.) there are others?
Warrior is all you need. It is love. It is life. It is bonking people with a giant weapon while their attacks bounce off your pecks and pure rage.
Honorable mentions:
Frost DK
Enhancement Shaman
Kitty druids
Feral Druid - Stealth, mobility, survivability. Convoke seems like a cheap tactic, but it;s nice when it goes off.
WW Monk. A lot of work, but it’s always fun to polish off a mob with Touch of Death
Sub Rogue - It’s suffered a lot in the last few XPacs. Seemed a lot more fun in Legion than it does now
Arms Warrior - I don’t know much about which spec is best for Warrior. I just like playing an Orc warrior
Survival Hunter - This is like my 10th most played character and it feels weird playing a melee hunter. But Harpoon is just funny
I have a Paladin who I use for Pet Battles. But it looks like I need to look at Ret Paladin