What are your thoughts on Fistweavers in general?

In randoms, blitz and rated bgs.

I have very strong thoughts about this topic

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I kind of have to agree with everyone. The best way to deal with fistweavers is to nerf hunters.

They’re easy to shut down if you cc or kite them.
Prob is everyone just tries to face-tank them so they live forever and heal their team while doing it.

They are one of the most rock / paper / scissors specs in the game. Good monks will see a mage heavy team and just swap to castweaver.
If you understand how they play, and play a class that has the tools to shut them down, then they are not a problem.
They are miserable to fight against as a melee or a low mobility caster like priest. Pet classes need to actually micro manage their pets so the FW can’t heal off them. Melee need to back off when the FW targets them. Everyone needs to do what they can to displace them from jadefire stomp.
If you’re a priest, you’re kind of screwed and just need team mates to spam CC on the monk. But that’s basically the same way that melee feel when they see a frost mage, or a mage feels when they see a hunter. Sorry bro, but sometimes specs counter you.
The problem is that random BG players don’t know what to do, and FW kinda just rolls over mediocre players.

It honestly deserves the druid treatment so it can have an entirely separate fourth tree. It’s nice to see more unique takes on how a healing spec can play.

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I don’t know enough about them, but how would this work?

This is just an on the surface observation of mine: it feels like in order to deal with them and stop them healing you’ll need to CC them for a good 15-20 seconds at least.

This means committing enough cc, not overlapping DR and having the classes on your side that can do this. In that time their teammate can also delay damage with personal cooldowns until the MW is out of CC.

I realize this is the same as any other caster, but unless you’re a pure ranged team you have a huge disadvantage. Even if you’re a ranged team they play offensive, use their mobility and cc breaks to stick on you and no one on their team dies in the process.

In randoms everything can be an issue because people don’t know what to do, but what about from the perspective of a Blitz - which is going to matter soon?

Not just priests, but in general if you’re using your mobility cooldowns to get away from a healer all game then you don’t have anything left for their melee teammates or in general.

My opinion is that FW mobility and/or damage should be turned down. Caster MW is fine.

Their healing being more hindered by roots and knockbacks and the abundance of those forms of CC means there’s more CC that you can chain on them. Rooting other healers (prevoker excluded) or knocking them away does virtually nothing to stop their healing. Shaman and mage can control fistweavers easily. Moonkin, Evoker and hunter all have knockbacks and roots. DK can grip them 40 yards away from every x2, spam chains of ice and walk away.
So maybe if your team is like 2 healing priests and 8 shadow priests, you might not have the tools to deal with MW.

No. Melee players just need to fight away from the FW. As is the case with most healers, it’s usually better to CC them and attack DPS.
A melee heavy team is definitely going to have a less fun time. But that can already be said about a team with a frost mage vs a melee heavy team and you don’t really see people going to bat for nerf frost mage.

a very short distance roll x3 that can be stopped mid animation by any form of CC and a root break on a 30 second cooldown. It’s not exactly the most insane mobility ever. They don’t have the gap closer on tiger palm or flying serpent kick that make WW so sticky.

They will probably be really annoying at low ratings and be way less represented as you climb and people figure out how to play around them.

and if you’re using interrupts on free casting warlocks then you can’t use them on healers. What’s your point?

Yummy <3 <3

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Maybe just a tad on the overpowered side. I’m not looking at any hard evidence of equal gear and skilled healers of various specs and how they compare. From PVP experience, they seem very mobile, Ring of Peace can change the outcomes of some matches if used well, MW is durable, they dont seem inconvienced much by interupts, and healing and damage output seems more than effective.

Fistweaving doesn’t do enough damage as it is, but it’s not as boring as the two-button mistweaving. That’s all.