Need help with Fistweavers

How do you deal with FW? It feels like they have too much damage and mobility. Unless you’re a mage or in a team with a mage and can constantly kite and cc how do you make sure you’re not using up your cooldowns to get away from a healer (instead of from a dps when they pop cds)?

Cross-posting from BG forum because maybe it’s more relevant here. Asking from the perspective of multiple classes: Warlock, Priest, Druid, etc.

Not always realistic to expect to pull this priority system off. Some matchups will demand that you just trade defensives extremely quickly to deal with fully connected dps because the only way you can ever win is to focus on denying the fw melee range

Defensive kiting and cc against fw ret x is often a great way to never kill and lose on the second or third crusade

If we’re talking purely from a wizard perspective, the reality is just your off DPS does maximum amounts of DPS betewen MW/Hybrid melee, while the one getting trained does their best to kite with their healer and rotate cds. The one being trained needs to be the one controlling the CC, so juking kicks fro precog is pretty sick.

It’s not easy.

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i just kinda cleave them pretty hard and eventually they lose.

Against ret/war/fw you just have to swap to every target to force their cds

the only way I’ve ever won against FW is CCing without breaking & back to back. then capitalize on their DPS. they will blow restoral and cocoon until they can connect. you can bait a go too. if you overlap cc and fail to lock them down it’s ova, gl out there, these streets are ruff

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Just nerf this abomination already, and also nerf dh.

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You die

Easy as

Report them for cheating.

Thanks for the replies. So, kiting is a must, I’ve gotten that. Is it feasible to swap targets like you do vs Rdruids? Can you force a win condition if cocoon is used?

I got some advice here to use knockbacks and roots, the problem I’m having is that DR kicks in before I or my team are able to effectively deal with them. Could be a solo shuffle issue, but I figure I can pass on this knowledge.

Thread I posted in BG’s as well: What are your thoughts on Fistweavers in general?

Unless I or my team (which is random based on solo shuffle) know some specifics in dealing with them I fear I will continue to struggle vs them.

Do whatever you can to make sure the fw can’t hit something. If you can’t stop the FW from healing, try controlling the rest of the team. Rinse and repeat