What are your thoughts on Earthen racials?

I don’t know what they are.

Can a person use Pre-TWW gems for the Earthens racial?

Yeah!!! Earthen should get all the racials of the other dwarfs as well as the new ones…only fair lore wise :rofl: :

I’d say the always fed buff should exeed the buff that food normaly gives. Otherwise what’s the point.

It does now, but only barely. Well fed main stat food gives 445, the Ingest Minerals racial now gives 562 secondary stat. On most classes, it’s going to be about equal gain. Not really a “buff” in the sense that Earthen will get their 1-2% racial damage bonus from Ingest Minerals, but it is something.

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Oh ok. Yea maybe bump that up a little. Admittedly, I havent tested the new empowered ability, so idk how much of a dps increase that would be along with the food buff, but i doubt people work it into their rotations, but maybe im wrong.

It’s kind of a pointless thing when your guild is always gonna bring food for stuff like raids and mythics anyway.

As it stands, the empowered ability does about 112k AoE damage for the first charge, and about 50k damage to the lowest health enemy on the 3rd and final charge of empowerment.

It is, in almost every situation, never going to be worth it to fully charge the ability. It’s a flavorful ability with a cool animation, but does not contribute to your PvE performance at all.


Thats what I figured.

Personally, if I had to buff this race, I would have the final empowerment level of Azerite Surge grant you a buff for X,000 secondary stat based on the gem you have chosen to eat. It would be in line with flavor, give you a reason to want to fully charge the ability, and give Earthen a unique combat racial.

Unfortunately, unless we hear otherwise, I think this may be the final version of this race. No other changes have gone live since yesterday evening.

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-I don’t love charged abilities. Just my $0.02
-Explorer racial +1, even if it’s eventually a dead talent
-Ingest minerals, love it from a lore point, hate never having extra mainstat, no way to balance this without the lack of well fed buff duration
-Base armor is nice
-Finesse is nice

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Make the active a circle aoe instead, that increases range when charged

Code it specifically to allow you to continue blocking/dodging/parrying while charging

Max charge cleanses you

Still situational since the damage and healing aren’t impressive, but actually valuable to everyone with the cleanse that lines it up with the other dwarf racials without outright copy/pasting either of them, and not a complete detriment for tanks to use

Either that, or remove the damage and healing and make it an aoe dispel. Tap to just cleanse you, double charge for the immediate area around you, and full charge for a decently wide radius. A racial mass dispel that takes commitment from the caster for the charge time, and some skill from their allies to get into the range centered around the caster

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Dont forget 4 things:

1- need a gem to refill mana in M+, ARENAS AND RANKED PVP, thats really important to be done before the season starts!

2- make sure the price of the MANA gems are below 1 gold (like water) as we usually need to drink 20-30 times per M+ run.

3- need a gem who gives the pvp food buff 10% more HP per 1h, thats really important in Epic BGs, Amber gems actually gives much less than 1% hp.

4- need to make the damage racial skill do more damage, the way it is right now isnt even worth to use, it does less damage than 2 instants u can cast within the 2 globals it takes to cast that racial.

A racial or quested-for ability called “Honey from the Rock.” It creates a conjured food that’s quite similar to mage food but can’t be shared with others or doesn’t do the same thing for other races. Perhaps it could put a subtle amber glow to the imbiber whether Earthen or not with a buff that says “Sweet on Life” or something cute. For Earthen it’d be the health/mana pick-me-up that mages provide as well and for sharings’ sake be a sugary but non-nutritional bit of fluff that’s gets a smile, like the BFF toy.

Then… just eat a feast like everyone else… your still getting the advantage of having a free buff even if it’s not as much

Oh that last option is good. I’m all for it.

Is that why the arena leaderboards are always so heavily populated with Alliance characters?

86% Alliance

The gems are live right now, however the tooltips aren’t exactly correct. 1 of them is 95c and 2 are 38s, which is odd because they all do the exact same thing. I’m sure this will be fixed when the well fed buff gets changed, but at least we can drink for mana and HP now.

The gems also say that they change the well fed status buff, but they in fact do not. Again, probably just a copy/paste tooltip from the cut gems on the AH. They restore 4.5mil HP and 3.7mil mana at the same time so, that’s pretty cool. It’s also on par with drinks you can just buy at the innkeeper.

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good thing you can cross faction que?

The point was that you are claiming the Orc racial is good - but almost everyone’s playing Alliance races, cross-faction or not.

Horde is getting the raw deal in every way, right now. Not only are the Alliance racials vastly superior, but the story and character interactions are also completely tilted towards the Alliance.

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