What are your thoughts on Earthen racials?

The change on the baseline mana/health restoration “food” is now live. I just tested it.

You can go to Belga, who is an NPC standing around the JC area in Dornogal, and buy, for very cheap, stacks of 5 edible gems that restore health and mana for Earthen. They are thre different colors, and each one converts the well fed buff into a different secondary stat buff, based on the color.

Thanks to Blizzard for fixing this one quickly!

Manually removing Well Fed and relogging results in our Well Fed buff being increased to 562. However, Belga’s stock of gems is lacking. You can currently only buy Red, Blue, or Yellow gems that don’t change your Well Fed buff, nor show the eating/drinking buff that confirms you’re gaining health/mana; though I’ve confirmed you do receive health and mana from eating Belga’s gems.

So we still need cheap gems that can change Well Fed, and we need them in all 5 colors - else our “regain mana solution” will overwrite our choice of buff.

Also, eating Belga’s gems after removing the Well Fed buff does not reapply the Well Fed buff.


I don’t get the non-drinking thing. Don’t the Earthen drink Cinderbrew? It’s made from honey, so it’s like mead?

Also, putting them in water helped heal them?

racials should be an advantage or at least be neutral/do nothing.

the no food/drink racial seems like malus. pass.

A lot of racials don’t count anymore because they are numerical instead of percentiles.

Lightforged are down to the anxiety forge.

I haven’t even look at them to be fair. They are just not appealing to me in the slightest.

I disagree with the well fed needing to be cheap, feast and other food buffs are not cheap as ours last through death when not bugged its should take a bit of work to do one time.

It doesn’t last through death though. We also lose access to other food benefits such as fishing buffs.

It does though its just bugged, re-logging normally fixes it too.

I think Earthen are a bit bold just coming into the game and they’re being racial.

Yeah bro I’ll just relog mid heroic or mid M+ or Mid raid. Get real.

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The hotfixes are literally coming in get real and wait …earthen is a good race choice for you with how dense you are.

I like earthen a lot. I wish azerite surge was actually useful though.

To keep with the Dwarf self-purge, keep the damage as it, but make it cleanse the player.

At the rate that everyone just complains about racials and what not I’d rather they just remove all racials and have people pick what race they want to play strictly for aesthetic reasons.

No one will ever be happy about the racials of their favorite races so getting rid of them would probably be the best thing.

The Well Fed replacement is still far to weak.

The have ~2% less HP because for some reason the Well fed gives ONLY stamina or ONLY a secondary stat. The stamina gem should be removed and the secondary stat gems should also provide stamina. The stamina

They probably also need another 100-150 secondary stats.

As a DPS or healer, it just has less throughput.

As a tank, the 10% base armor is negligible compared to the AoE purge, debuff remover (by far the strongest because it can nuke bleeds), or the additional AoE/ST stops you can get from other racials. The active ability can not be used while tanking, because it actively prevents a fairly significant amount of Holy Power generation, can reduce shield block uptime/will cost enough rage downflow to take out a barrier as Warrior, and does not move to reduce brew cooldown on Monk. A lot of DPS such as Shaman just can’t use it because it prevents malestorm genration, Shadow can’t use it because it prevents insanity generation, and mage/locks don’t have the open GCD to want to use it.

The only way that a channeled 3 bar power ability will work is if it’s directly incorporated into a class, not a race. Idealistically, they really should just have this removed and replaced with a damageless ability, and have their well fed replacement be on par with the Pandarian racial for throughput.

I’m really just gonna call out that the moment that Dracthyr can become other classes, the whole tank and most of melee things is completely moot. Even on 4 minutes with a shared cooldown having a knockback and a knockup racial completely outclasses Earthen in terms of any kind of usefulness by a massive margin.

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he said in pve or pvp, i was talking about pvp (orc hardiness) still one of the best racials

If empowered spells work like channels you wouldn’t want to use it while tanking anyways since it would prevent you from avoiding hits via dodging/blocking/parrying. They honestly should make it purge like other dwarf racials(Azeroth purged the Earthen in the story…the lore is there for it to purge) and make it do a burst of damage/healing.

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The animation is literally the same.

the Azerite Surge active racial kinda sux…I hate how it has to be channeled. It should adjust to your spec…so when you’re a tank it gives mitigation and/heals, if you’re a healer should do a heal or HoT or aoe heals and dps should be damage…and it should be instant not channeled…

the rest of the racials I am fine with

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