What are your thoughts on Earthen racials?

LOL, didnt bother reading, testing, or doing anything before just shipping out money like its burning a hole in your pocket?

Man being a corporation must be great, ppl just beg you to take their money endlessly and without thought. Love it.

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The benefit Earthen have is that they don’t have to spend on food outside of raid content (assuming your raid uses feasts). So I consider that a nice boon to being this race. So while it might not be a technical dps increase over other racials, it’s a financial increase over other racials which can be seen as better or worse to some people.

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I’m actually so confused as why the Earthen, the original dwarves- can’t purge themselves like the “Fake” dwarfs can.

Also the Azerite empowering them literally purged them. Their active racial should have a purge tied to it somehow.

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you are free to play horde if you wanted, no one is stopping you.

I’m glad they’re getting buffs but as a healer I need water. Mineral water of some kind will suffice.

The gems you can buy now gives mana, it’s already in. Same amount as regular water.

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Earthen should have the same debuff removal racial as dwarves AND dark iron dwarves.

But that would mean people could play Horde again, and Blizzard doesn’t want that.

Already submitted my refund request. Imagine a racial making the game more difficult to play lmao


Random question that I know won’t get answered, but, just wanted to bring awareness to Dracthyr’s Aerial Halt Racial. With Soar being turned into Skyriding and Steady Flying, I want to ask, is there any chance we see a re-work to that Racial? It is essentially 100% useless now. Especially with the new Classes for Dracs being announced, it would be nice to see an upgrade to this obsolete ability.

Really enjoying Earthern so far! Their customization are fun, and it’s fun to run around Orgrimmar as a Dwarf :dracthyr_yay_animated:

It looks like these gems all set the well fed bonus to the same stat. Is there plans to introduce a gem of each type so that people aren’t forced to choose between recovering health/mana and the stat they want?

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We all appreciate that you have been active on the forums for this stuff. Good looking out.

Some Racials need a revisit, and Earthen has just pulled to the front how Terrible the racial changes in the past 4 years have been for the game and races.

Tail Swipe - Knocks people in air
Wing Buffet - Knocks people back
Soar - Cast time to fly like a dragon (druids do it instant cast for some reason vs the race with literal wings)
Chosen Identity - Will only change you out of dracthyr form after combat to put you in the only form you can see your Transmog.
Being updated in 11.0.5

Humans: 11.0 change
Reputation bonus (10% more rep) removed.
Replaced with 2nd hearthstone charge. 15minute CD per charge.

Earthen: (NEW)
Rank of Gem means nothing, grants you 562 of a chosen stat based on gem you ate (UPDATED AN HOUR AGO FROM 363 to 562).

Mana Buns are unusable.
Can not eat feasts or personal food. Rocks only.
New Rock vendor to counter the Water issue instead of fixing the problem

Azerite Surge - 2.2second empowered ability that does 100k damage, 40k healing and 35k extra for rank 3 to the primary target.

Now lets look at some similar abilities of Older Races.


Light’s Reckoning- 901k damage and 901k healing to all enemies or allies within 8 yards upon death.

Light’s Judgement - 2.5minute CD: (80) 142k damage to all enemies within 5 yards, instant cast.


Make Camp: Set up a hearthstone at any location you want… ANYWHERE

Return to Camp : 1hour CD, Hearth to anywhere you want.

+8 bagslots

Rummage Your bag/Bag of Tricks - Gimic damage. Do not have numbers but in BFA it was not impressive and it didnt seem to get better in Shadowlands.


Mirror Image

Ramping Stat increase in combat to 10stacks

Emergency Failsafe (literally a cheat death)

This list could go on and on. As you can see after the BFA influx of allied races (didnt even mention dark iron or Zandalari) the racial game has been, lackluster. And alliance got the brunt of it with the human rep change.

Dont get me wrong, im not asking for the human rep change to come back. Im asking for a viable Racial. Second hearthstone instead of a Second hearthstone charge would of made a thousand % more sense. In what world do you hearth twice within 14minutes and 59seconds to the same location?


Earthen needs a COMPLETE revamp when it comes to racials. It offers NOTHING. Humans get +2% for all secondary stats from all sources. Earthen gets, 2% of a chosen stat but no food buff any more.

Allow Ingest Minerals to do either one of the following:

A): Make Multi stat gems buff TWO stats of your choice. Tiered Gems increase the bonus… and if you choose not to ingest a two stat gem, Double a stat of your choosing (1200). Atm 562 of a secondary stat vs 440main stat from food is a massive loss for the Earthen. Goblins get 1% haste, Humans get 2% from sources. Dwarfs get +2% crit damage, and the list goes on.

B): Consume a Gemstone granting 0.5% for a secondary of your choosing, but you can add it to Feasts or current food you are eating, AND you can eat food. (see Hyper Productive changes)(yes this buffs the raid with 0.5% of a secondary)(Limit of 1 per feast/food buff)

Hyper Productive (UPDATED): Increase Finesse by 25. Some times when gathering Materials from all sources you randomly find a Gemstone.

Azerite Surge (UPDATED): (80tuning) Does 143k damage around the Earthen and 43k healing to all allies within 5yards. Instant Cast. 2minute CD.

Wide-Eyed Wonder (REMOVED)
(NEW) Commune: Allows Earthen to Regenerate Entire Resource bar outside of combat over 10seconds. 3minute CD. Moving or taking damage or action or getting into combat will cancel this effect.

Titan-Wrought Frame (UPDATED): While wearing the following armor types gain bonsues:
Plate - 10% armor increase and 2% Health
Mail - Crit Damage increased by 1% and Crit chance increased by 1%
Leather - Movement speed increased by 3% and Main stat increased by 2%
Cloth - Direct damage spells gain 1% spellpower, Damage over time effects gain 1second longer duration (this effect can not be refreshed).

Until changes like this happen i can not openly say anybody should be race changing to Earthen. Even making one is a net loss


Food buff just RANDOMLY disappeared standing in stormwind. 3k to replace… this is not happening, fix the bug by just making us find our own gems with an updated Hyper Productive Talent.

See my previous post to see replacement for ALL racials to fix the race as a whole.

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You can buy gems from a vendor that give you well fed buff. These gems also give mana.

Earthen are made of no organic material, it makes no sense they would be able to consume food or water. The flavor is fine, unsure why you are so mad you need to buy some gems instead of water lol

ever heard of orc?

when your food buff RANDOMLY falls off because the game is broken, and you need to put in special gems for them to eat to get mana back but now they can eat mana buns from mages… the theme is gone. Organic or not the theme is gone.

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I loved an Earthen woman so much that I decided to buy a ring. Satisfied with the quality of the gem, she ate it. I am down 20k gold :frowning:


Do orcs now have a racial that removes Mythic raid mechanics with the press of a button?

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It was just another way to give the horde access to dwarves, while the Alliance just gets more of the same.