What are your thoughts on Earthen racials?

I was a little disappointed I could not eat the food that drops in Hallowfall that gives you movement speed and water walking during Spreading the Light. It would be nice if Earthen could eat the food to get the secondary buff that isn’t a stat “well fed” if the food is zone specific (to avoid them eating some low quality food that gives MS or something) but still not be able to eat it for food/mana.

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Wait, will Earthen (rock DWARVES) not be able to participate in Brewfest?

Thank you, just bought stacks for my Earthen.

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No you don’t you’re a classic player.

Earthen can still drink Alcohol its close enough to fuel they make from cinder honey mead

I also swapped one of my more loved characters to Earthen. This really blew my mind at first.

This is why I shelved my earthen paladin. He is still lvl 11 because I saw I couldn’t get the fun and cool buffs from foods because of their racial. That is just a nerf imho of gameplay mechanics.

I mean, that is good and all but you won’t get fun buffs from foods either because of the racial. Like food buffs that allow you to water walk, breath water etc.

as it stands the gems only provide secondary stats, making it a disadvantage vs primary stat food or the pandaren food bonus. How did this escape testing and make it to live?

join a follower dungeon and stock up on mana buns, earthen can eat them. Problem solved

The well fed buff on my level 80 Earthen Paladin is now showing up as 562 Mastery instead of the previous 383. The Azerite Surge ability remains unchanged.

As it stands, I did some napkin math based on my own sim ratings and it seems like this is a net buff compared to 445 main stat food. Only slightly though, like literally 50 DPS higher.

If this is the extent of the buff, then Earthen will be effectively at net neutral DPS given that Azerite Surge is not worth pressing, at least not worth fully charging, in most scenarios. This would put them in line roughly with Vulpera, with a negligible difference between the two because their racial also does little damage.

It is certainly… something. At least it’s not a net loss on DPS anymore. Hopefully they adjust it to compensate for the fact that Azerite Surge is a useless button, or buff that ability so that the rank 3 charge does more than a whole 50k damage.

Are the gems soulbound? If not, may be a good idea to shove a lot of them in the war bank for any you make.

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A good change would for it to sorta be a trinket with such a long CD + cast time. Have rank 3 increase the effect of the Well-Fed buff by like 10-20%, making it worth casting

The gems are like any other normal food, so not soulbound. It’s just something that only Earthen can consume for food. The cost is 35 silver per gem, unsure if that’s post-hotfix or not. But for comparison it’s about 3.5g for 5 non-stat food so it’s significantly cheaper for Earthen to eat compared to other races now.

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They could have the well fed bonus from Ingest Minerals give 1000 secondary stat and it would still be, in most cases, worse than the Pandaren’s ability to get 890 main stat from food.

I’m sure they don’t want to steal Pandaren’s niche of getting extra stats from food, but really it would be a step in the right direction unless they plan to adjust the damage of Azerite Surge to make it worth the cast time.

Dunno, but they announced today they are gonna tune the racial and give us some vendor gems and water

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it sounds like you’ll be able to buy belga’s gems cheap to regen your mana

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The goal of racials isn’t strictly to be better or worse than other racials. The reason it was buffed in this instance is that it was actually weaker than just eating food which is clearly not intended.

As you said, Vulpera is basically a non-dps race. Other races are similar, like a Bwonsamdi Zandalari or Lightforged Draenei. Some are just aesthetic with a little boost from their racial. Others are like Troll or Orc or Tauren for the top 1%rs. And that’s okay.


If you get rid of your well fed buff and relog, your well fed buff will reappear and it’ll be 562 secondary stat instead of the 300 something. Also, you can buy mana gems from Belga.

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Generally speaking, most races have some PvE benefit. Lightforged may underpreform in single target, but their Light’s Judgement is a pretty hefty hit in a mass AoE scenario. Zandalari actually have the benefit of being able to choose from a suite of racial bonuses, and Paku is generally very strong.

Vulpera have definitely be shafted for a long time, as their DPS racial has never been good. But they do have probably the coolest flavor racial in the game with the camp thing.

I’m glad that they seemingly got a bump up to net neutral, but I’m hoping that’s not where it stops. Having some benefit in some form of content would be nice. As it stands, it seems like the hotfix has gone about because the vendor gems are now very cheap.

Sounds like somebody dropped the ball in the development department.

Or they just pushed the racial through without any feedback.