What are your thoughts on Earthen racials?

Empower Cast racial is a never use. (+0)
2% more finesse is fine. (+1)
Food buffs from Gems is fine (once they are fixed). (+1)
Bonus armor is whatever. (+0)
Double exploration xp is fine, I guess? (+1)

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Belga’s gems being edible allows Earthen to eat/drink to recover health and mana.

Do you know if these gems will be consumable in arena?


Is it intended to have the buff fall off if you die until you zone back in or is that a bug?

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Blizzard we need an answer to this. If it is intentional that it drops off the race is basically unviable in M+ and other content.

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just what we needed to hear! never should picking a race be a net negative for every class

females with beards? lool

Terrible. (10 char)

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Ingest minerals is not fine at all

Not a bug, it literally says they can’t eat or drink. Outside of mage foods,

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Theyre adding an item theyll be able to “drink”

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Then the racial will just me mid. Compared to the normal dwarves and dark iron, they don’t hold a candle. And the ingest minerals is still lacking in flexability compared to normal eating. Still an overall nerf but not as terrible as before.

Cool to play a dwarf horde character if you so wish. Alliance though, better just go normal dwarf or Dark Iron, you will be better off because of it.

They honestly thought the general public wouldn’t complain. This has been a well known issue since Beta.

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Earthen are way cooler and look better than dwarves.
Im better off playing a race i like (earthen) over one i dont care about (dwarf) :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah, Earthen do not look cooler. Dark Iron are vastly superior in animations and racials.

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Then they aren’t pay to win, they are pay to lose.

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Is Belga going to franchise with lvl 1-80 earthen food stalls in every capital and tavern or will Earthen be without food till level 70. Also Earthen of Dornogal are smaller than Earthen Found by the giant sword with Diamond Magni or Earthen in Northrend i hope all new earthen can get a size buff.

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Ill take rock skin and gems over dark irons flame any day :stuck_out_tongue:

TBH, the rock skin are honestly not noticeable at all. I see an Earthen and they are kinda just look like normal dwarves until I see the gems. Dark Iron stand out. Frostbourne stand out. These Earthen do not.

Very good question.

Glad they’re working on improvements instead of trashing the system. We need more interesting and less copy paste the same old stuff