What are your thoughts on Earthen racials?

Yes, I’m aware. However the current gems do not restore remotely close to the amount of mana as actual drinks.

Hence the comment.


Eating a Gem For earthen is currently the same as eating/drinking. This is how it is in live now. They have always been able to

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They need to be able to drink base water. I do not care about food, you pick the race understanding the gimmick, but being expected to spend gems to drink is asinine.


Less convenient to come by, but if the edible gems function in the same way as water and are affordable then it doesnt really matter imo

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They’re great cosmetically, but the racials hurt gameplay. Forgetting the power issues that have been mentioned, there are a number of niche foods, like Sweet Eclipse that are used in zones, like Hollowfall that Earthens, cannot partake in. Forgetting that being an Earthen means cooking is exclusively a money making skill, no longer a form of progression.

The active hits like a wet noodle and has not targeting indicator, making it both hard to use and useless.


Will Belga be accessible to lower level earthen that are not able to get to Dornagol proper?



They can use feasts apparently.

But that means earthen have an innate DPS loss unless you can splurge on a feast for every single dungeon/raid.

Because other races can just eat the +primary stat food on its own.

The earthen racial should be "You are always Well Fed. The stat gained is affected by what gem you ingest. However, should you choose indulge in the mortal delight of food, your buff is temporarily enhanced by that food. (Aka change your well fed buff to the food version for the food duration)


Yes please! I paid to lose by race changing my Brew.

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Thank you, Kaivax.

Edit: disregard, this was answered later in the post.


I’ve been advocating for “Well Fed Persist through Death” or “Well Fed last indefinitely”. Earthen have no digestive fluid, so food stays with them longer. Or make it canon that Earthen a built with tiny lunchboxes in them.

The food racial right now limits developer’s from designing unique food buffs, and poses a problem for later expansions where their buff will need number tuning.

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Sounds like they are reducing the cost of her Gems to the same price as food/water.

FYI When they eat a Gem they also Eat/drink. This is how they have always been. The problem has been they have only been able to eat cut gems that are about 1k a pop

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this, but I still like TWW WoW

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While I am 100% for balancing other racials, the state of Earthen racials was a major outlier because playing one was a net DPS loss over not having a racial at all, and they couldn’t drink non-conjured beverages for mana. Bringing Earthen in line with other races is a good priority, and then maybe taking a look at race balance as a whole would be a bigger thing to tackle.

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Good to hear changes are coming. If possible, would you guys be willing to consider throwing more gems into the edible pool to make more of the usual buffs available to them? Things like primary stat, speed boost, “Stat A + Stat B” mixes, that sort of thing?

While I can only assume, Belga does sell 3 flavors of gem, I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them restores mana.



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My monk’s keg smash literally does more damage than their fully charged racial that’s on a long CD, it’s so horribly tuned.

They don’t have stoneform yet they ARE STONE.

I get it, they don’t want people forced to play them, especially because the reaction wasn’t great when they were announced, but wow.


Belga’s gems are awfully expensive. Are they cheaper for earthen? If not, will the price come down to be more comparable to vendor food/water for regen? Or will it be some permanent (in keeping with the racial) out of combat mana regen? That would be incredibly useful.

Kaivax said the cost will be greatly reduced


ALL Gem eating on an earthen restroes Mana.

An earthen eating a Gem works the same as mage food. Restores Health and Mana. Eating a Gem does this in live NOW. That was never the issue. Only being able to eat cut gems that cost 1k a pop WAS THE ISSUE

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Hes said that they are

Of course we dont know to what but i wouldnt worry about the fact theyre not cheap right now