What are your thoughts on Earthen racials?

Thank you for this. Will they be made available to littles out in the world at normal innkeepers? Pretty please?



Well done.

Having a racial with a negative effect was putting a damper on the fun

I like them, I’ve always been a fan of dwarves and these look cool. I love the different starter gear they get as well, looks really good.

It’s starting to get a bit boring though with all these slight variations of other races.

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I know the Well Fed buff is more for endgame content, but is there any chance we can get vendors in faction capitals for easier access in early levels?


As long as gem mana recovery is comparable to drink at 80, I’m cool with it.

A vendor in each capital.

Or let earthen use the Donegal portal right away.

It’s their home, why can’t they stop by?


If only there was as a testing area where very basic aspects like a race not being able to drink for mana could have been addressed months ago.


Could we get a range indicator on Azerite Surge like Evoker empower spells too please? Currently the spell doesn’t mention the range at all so you have no idea if it will hit someone.


This is huge, thank you. Any word on whether or not the well fed buff disappearing after dying in dungeons is intended or a bug? I was very disappointed to see it dropped off after a wipe in a heroic given the racial says “you are always well fed”.

Glad you are fixing this and adjusting the power level. I like earthen to the point I race changed my main to them and was quite unhappy when I realised what was going on with the racial.

Also, will there be a main stat option with the buff?

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Respectfully, the racials were pretty obviously terrible when they were revealed. Why is this only now being changed?


I wish azurite surge would have this as well. And maybe a little buff because for me at least it’s a bit of a DPS loss using it, even if I am trying to fit it into the gap in my rotation. Compare that to say, the lightforged racial attack which is instant cast then forget as it goes off…bit unfortunate. For an empowered spell I think it needs to do more damage so it actually gets used.


P2W new race, do you know expensive buying 30 gems from a couple m+ going to end up coasting?

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They literally just said they’re fixing it. The only issue remaining now for M+ content is whether or not the effect dropping off after death is intended.


Noooo now we all have to reroll Earthen


If you don’t eat your gem the Dungeon won’t even start and you’ll be replaced.


Also the Earthen Well Fed Buff does NOT last past death. Can you confirm if this Working as intended?

FYI to those in his thread reading this thread?
If you want to Know how Belga is? She is an NPC that sells flavored Gems.


It’s mind blowing that this stuff goes live tbh.

Glad they’re on it though.

GG community, well played.


Are you planning on letting earthen drink… Drinks?

Earthen healers have no option to restore mana other than the gems (which don’t give a lot of mana compared to other food) or mage food.

Even if earthen don’t need to eat, they would still need water.


The community poster just said that they are making the vendor-available gems in dornogal restore food and mana.


They need to be able to drink. Aside from that, neat mostly.

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