What are your thoughts on Earthen racials?

How about a fix for earthen having to relog/zone out to re-enable the well fed buff after dieing

This racial seems cool in theory but it doesn’t work. Just please change it so Earthen can actually eat food. It doesn’t matter how you change the gems, Earthen will always be at a disadvantage while the rest of the raid gets main stat from food.

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fwiw i never refreshed the buff and its still fine for me

Bumping this thread in hopes this will be fixed before raid/keys open this week. Right now dying drops the well fed buff with the only way to refresh is by zoning or eating another cut gem (1-2k gold). Since zoning isn’t an option during mythic 0s, what’s the plan?

I say , let them eat rocks

hopefully going be fixed Earthen Racials currently they are weak or not working as intended also lvl up without food is hard and currently my Earthen is under-geared and struggling as i get so much XP just flying to quest locations so i kinda hope they bring back questing supplies to fill gaps in gearing. I lvled from 10 to 50 gliding around for 2-3 hours buy some Adventuring Supplies and gear up in Dragonflight but quests don’t always give gear and im lvl 63 in still mostly level 43 gear from pandaria…

I noticed Gnomes didn’t even make the list.

(sad face)

alot of races didnt make the list lol those are just the over powered

after a decent amount of playing, they’re not great. Biggest elephant in the room is the extremely long charge up time of azerite surge. I almost never have the time to sit there for that long, and even if I do the damage doesn’t feel like it justifies the time. When compared to the other two dwarf racials, it’s just not as good.

Numerical racials quickly become obsolete and therefore null as expansions are released.

Making them percentages is the only thing that makes them count.

A quick scan of all the racials would easily reveal what racials are effectively no longer part of the game.

Azerite Surge… for an empowered spell with a 2 minute CD it should do more damage enough over anything else in my kit that I’d want to bother pressing it.

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My only beef with Earthen is the way they walk. Something is off, it’s like they’re ice-skating on the ground. I think that needs to be fixed.