What are your thoughts on Earthen racials?

Maybe the racial should be additive, rather than exclusive. You can eat gems for a perma-Well Fed. Or just each regular food for regular Well Fed.

Stoneform/Fireblood were insane for Mythic Sark and Mythic Fyrakk last expansion. Blood Elf AoE dispel was great for Brood Keeper. Goblin Jump has a history of being used to ignore various knockbacks on classes who can’t(Hi Priests). Those 4 races also have DPS racials(2% crit damage,Primary Stat active, 1% crit, 1% haste).

Pointing out Earthen have both a DPS loss on their food buff racial and a DPS loss on their active racial and being disappointed is not a delusional position to have.


Oh so you can’t get the extra feast buff darn

Just wanted to add that eating Belga’s gems does NOT change my “well-fed” stat like the tooltip states it should. Just tested it out.

We are limited to Crit Buff until its properly fixed if you want cheap Gems.
Spicy Rubies do apply the well fed buff but thats the ONLY Gem she sells that 100% works

Did they already make earthen food cheaper as well already so I can drink?

No offense man you should have read some of the comments before commenting. You have have had your answer by literally reading just 3 of them at random. Once again don’t take offense to it I’m just trying to help others become a little more self reliant

Go here

Buy Spicy Rubies
They are currently the only gym she sells that actually work as intended

The Tauren health bonus was always a bugaboo, I remember.

People kept insisting that Nihilum and Ensidia and Paragon were only getting all the first kills because of their Tauren tanks, and IF ONLY Blizzard would nerf Endurance into the ground, Alliance guilds would shine.

Well, Blizzard did. Twice.

And it didn’t make a damn bit of difference, because the Tauren health racial was never a factor.

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it’s okay, had an issue where i automatically got teleported out of the race zone before i could get my gear and no way of going back to finish the questline to get my level 10 gear, might want to get rid of that dragonflight quest, or maybe already have the gear before we even start the quests?

Make the azerite surge ability instant cast as a quick fix and that will solve it’s clunkiness. Can make it similar to Lightforged Draenei in that it takes time to happen.

Aside from this, the fact that we don’t need to eat food to get the stat bonus is basically a moot and irrelevant benefit with the fact that we need to deal with these gems instead AND that it replaces a normal 1% style racial that others have on top of food.

I’m just not sure how Earthen can be poisoned or bled out when they’re, in essence, a consistent Stoneform.

Otherwise, yeah. I like Earthen. I do think they can be interesting, but I will miss the ability to eat and drink.

Although, I will say one of my earlier worries was assuaged. They -can- drink beer. So Cindermead is still on the table.

1.Earthen need infinite water breathing or Forsakens old underwater breathing since
2. All racial capital city’s need a Earthen food stall or food truck parked that sells lvl 10 to 80 earthen food that can restore hp and mana
3. Gems need give a permanent buff and there needs be a Vendor that sells the gems for like 30 gold that way if Auction houses get exploitive with price gouging we can swap stats with a small fee from npc
4. Hyper Productive (Passive) and Wide-Eyed Wonder (Passive) and [Titan-Wrought Frame (Passive) are all perfect
5. Buff Azerite Surge its weak buff the numbers or change what it does

Mechanical and elemental mobs can be affected by poisons and bleeds so lets just say there something flowing thru them that can bleed and the poisons are corrosive enough when mixed with there “blood” and for mechanical reasons they don’t want to nerf warrior hunters and rogues damage.

I love Earthen but it kind of stinks not being able to use the cool zone specific food items from Hallowfall that give you unique buffs. Feels like I’m excluded from a feature of the expansion.

Additionally, not being able to personally benefit from an entire profession (cooking) feels bad. I really love that profession but now it’s useless (for me) on my Earthen (aside from gold making I suppose).

Passive: bonus source is bad, well fed shouldn’t be the source of race power
Active: i never imagined they could make an active skill worse than Lightforged draenei

I read whole threads, I can’t keep up on them all.

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:rofl: Fair enough :ok_hand:

Anyway glad I got you the info you needed

same way mechagnomes can I guess, or why worgen aren’t vuln fire, they just don’t want to go that in depth with racial diversity. I don’t disagree with them, balance is enough of a pain with relatively minor racial differences.

I can understand that… but then what even -is- Stoneform?

Hi everyone, just wanted to participate in the discussion about the Earthen racials. Really cool race design. I’m a big fan of Wide Eyed Wonder and the food buff, thanks for fixing that!

I think the Azerite Surge is a bit of a bait currently. In my eyes, it has to compete with things like Mechagnome racial, Dark Iron Dwarf, or Human racial. But right now, I honestly think it is more effective to not cast it rather than cast it. Particularly because it has a cast time, I think it may need a revisit on numbers. Regardless of what people say, racials are strong and impactful. This one should be, too. Thank you for listening.