What are your thoughts on Earthen racials?

Yeah dude its terrible, so many other racial gets the 1% and can eat food. Pretty lame man and disappointing.

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im not sure this is true. im pretty sure everyone would take 445 main stat for feast > 500 secondary. unless you are trying to hit that threshold like 33% crit for frost mage or something.

XP Racials are always going to be useless at max level.

That Racial needs to turn into something else once you ding max level or something, because there’s really no point to it.

That, and map discoveries? Woo, instead of 1.2k xp, I might get 3.6k xp instead. Such awesome.

There’s only what, like 10-15 discoveries for each of the TWW zones? that’s a max of 200k XP (and that’s being generous).

That’s not even enough to get 79->80.

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If you are playing for racials you are delusional. The only place they matter is in your own mind. The ONLY exception to this rule is Shadowmeld. Its still broken as F for a Racial.

Play the races you enjoy and have fun

This person gets it.

I think earthen look amazing and will play on for that reason alone.

very odd you gave humans such a useless racial and yet you are willing to give out better ones to new races

see this rule was true, until now… when you cant eat food so you automatically lose out on feasts…

Goblin racial haste is one of the best in the game. and event ho its only 1% it still lets you eat food, so you are equal to less then a goblin until its fixed

There’s plenty of other good racials too.

Do Draenei still have that +1% crit buff? That’s not exactly small.

I use Warstomp on my Tauren all the time, for another. Who doesn’t love an AoE stun that can sometimes absolutely save your beefy hide?

Or how about the ability to break out of a stun as a human?

These are great racials.

2 Foods Earthen CAN EAT. Mage Food and Feast. Literally ate a Feast in a BG today

To be clear, they can eat Feast and gain Feast Well Fed? And we’re sure this is intended?

Yeah, but you don’t get any buffs out of the feast because you’re already well-fed.

And also, you have to beg a mage to give you food, because it won’t let you eat most other foods. Maybe they should just let you eat any food, but just not get the fed buff. That way you can at least recover health and mana.

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someone leveled one up entirely to 70 by flying over old content

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The Gems you can buy to eat are a few silver buying stacks of those gems is cheaper than food or water

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That’s a “yeah, but why?” thing.

How many people are gonna wanna do that? Why would you wanna do that?

And getting to 70 is lol. Did they get to 80? Absolutely not, because there’s nowhere near enough discoveries even with the racial.

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For now.

Give it a few weeks and the food will be super-cheap too. Especially if they add more food later in the expansion, the first foods will suddenly drop in price.

That and you know, you could make some of this food yourself for minimal work.

And it’d provide stronger buffs than the gems.

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Still no reply on whether or not the buff dropping off after death in dungeon content is intentional

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Well, here’s to hoping for a racial rebalance for all races in the future :pray:t2:

I’m sure Blizzard has way bigger fish to fry than tuning racials, but I’m definitely bummed about where the final balance landed. Earthen are pretty cool, they’ve definitely grown on me.

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Wait, you can get 2 food buff with Earten?

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How do lower level Earthen even get to Dornogal to get to Belga for edible gems or to do their Heritage Armor quests at level 50!? The portal in the portal room isn’t even there until you do the intro for Dornogal at 70.

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The gems are too expensive. Really wish we could eat stuff like Hoary Crystals, A Pretty Rock and Colorful Rock.

They are a few silver

Buy from her