What are your Keybindings?

For me, I use:
Q, E, R, F and Shift Q, E, R, F: For my main rotation abilities.
1 - 6 and Shift 1 - 6: For buffs and utility.
X and Shift X for Interrupts.
` For Mount (Tilde, key left of 1)

Mouse Forward and Middle Mouse (scroll wheel click) For movement abilities.
Mouse Back for heals (modified with macros)

I’m thinking about rebinding Caps Lock using my Kayboard software to use as another key.

Anyone else similar? what do you guys use?

Well, I have my main abilities on 1-5, reactives/longer CD or less used stuff on alt+1-5, defensives, heals and short term buffs on 6-0, interrupts and cc on alt+6-0. But 6-0 and alt+6-0 are set to buttons on my mouse (I have a 12 button gaming mouse). I switched to using a gaming mouse and keyboard a few months ago, it took a while to get used to, but I feel it has helped immensely.

I have one of those Orbweaver things? And a mouse with 10 buttons.

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I have a naga epic chroma mouse with 19 buttons on it. They’re all bound to something. Sometimes I consider adding a shift+ option to double the number, but I talk myself out of it. It took me long enough to get used to this setup.

Oh, and I use the 1-5 buttons for my main stuff, next to the normal buttons for movement.

1-5 Q E R Z X C F (with shift and capslock) and the 12 buttons on my G600

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1-2 are usually builders / spammable fillers of some sort.
3-5 vary a lot from spec to spec.
6-7 are usually AoE, as the way I memorized my mouse layout has them “isolated”.

Mousewheel Down is rotational but varies (Dispel for Healers).
Wheelhouse Up is rotational but varies.
Middle Mouse Button is rotational but varies.

Shift + 1 is always my interrupt.
Shift + 3 is always primary movement (Ghost Wolf, Heroic Leap, Charger, Blink).
Shift + 2 is usually secondary movement (Spiritwalker’s Grace, Feral Lunge, etc).

‘E’ is on-use Trinket #2, if applicable.
‘R’ is on-use Trinket #1, if applicable.

That’s basically everything that matters. I’ve used other stuff but that’s all the “gets used on every character” stuff.

On my Paladin (I have a 120), Blessings get Ctrl + 1 -> Ctrl + 3.

On my Shaman, Tremor Totem gets Shift + MW Up, Earthbind gets Shift + MW Down, Earth Ele gets Shift + Middle Mouse Button, Purge gets Ctrl + MW Up, Cleanse gets Ctrl + MW Down, and Gift of the Naaru gets Shift + R. There’s no method there, it’s just where stuff landed on my bar that I had bound in order all the way to the end so I memorized it where I dropped them.

x = autorun

and that is pretty much it


My ` key is always my dispel/interrupt. My mouse button 4 is always movement enhancement and mouse button 5 is major targetable/placement/self-buff (etc) offensive/defensive. 5 is common AoE.

Those are my big ones, everything else is standard.

F1-F4 is utility spells most of the time.

Edit, mouse is just some 5 button mouse.

I have a Logitech G600 mouse, so I keep every rotation ability mapped to one of the twelve buttons available on the side of my mouse. Unfortunately because my hand is kinda small I can comfortably only reach the first nine buttons, so buffs and interrupts I just click on most characters. If this mouse ever dies I may try another brand of MMO mouse to see if any of the others are easier for me to reach all twelve buttons comfortably.

Im a keybind / key clicker

Im not keybinding every damn spell or consumable. I have my rotations on 1-6 and Shift 1-6. I use the 2 buttons my mouse. And Alt 1 as my interrupt

Everything else i will click

1-9 for main rotational abilities. Replaced 0 and = with shift+space and alt+space.

Second primary action bar is Z X C R F V T G B Y H N, in that order across.

Buffs and non-combat items go to the side bars.

Bahahaha! Keybinding… what are those?

Well, I’m a mix clicker/binder.

My damaging abilities are not binded but put on a narrow space (last 4 keys of the numbers and the 4 butons above) which means I dont mouve my mouse a lot to attack. Well, we are prunned to the level that you only spam 3 or 4 abilities plus 1 or 2 cooldowns so my mouse doesnt move that much.

But there’s other abilities that I have binded because they need very fast reaction, specially in PvP or in hard PvE content, like defensives, Hex, many totems that you need to put in places, Ghost Wolf, Healthstones, Purge, Interrupt and all that kind of things. I dont bind any major DPS cooldown, since I can move my mouse a bit every 3 minutes to click a single ability.

For most of things I use mousewheel up/down, shift+mousewheel up/down, control+mousewheel up/down and in that short space you have 6 abilities. Then you have Q, E and F which are near your movement keys and you make mod:shift macros you have 2 in each key and theres another 6 total.

With those small keybinds you can have 12 abilities near your fingers with a normal non-gamer mouse, which is pretty much 70% of many classes spellbook XD

Alt - q r t v x z c e
Shift - q g c v

This is all I can remember at the moment

I have a weird keyboard with a built in “Gaming area” so I have:
Q, E, R, T, F, G, V, B, P, C with Shift versions of all of those and Ctrl versions for UI (Bags, map etc)

1-6 for auto attack/fishing/JC/Disenchanting and Shift versions for longer cooldowns.

Then Mouse Wheel up and down for Toggle Abilities/Totems/Misc skills with Shift UpMouse Wheel for Flying mounts and Shift Down Mouse wheel for ground/waterwalking mounts.

qert sfg zxcv 12345

All the above with shift

Ctrl 1,2,3,4,

Alt w,1,2,3

My Corsair mouse with the 12 buttons also with Shift modifiers, a few alt here and there.

Oh and mouse wheel up is VT and mouse wheel down is SW:Pain

I have quite a few more but I can’t be bothered to type all of it.

1-3 most usage spells in rotation
4 mobility
E,R frequent CD in rotation
F is interrupt
Q is AoE. Preferably around the character.
C is filler the important one. Depending on whatever left.
X is long CD. Macro as needed.
Shift E is personal damage reduction and the like.
Shift Q is CC.
Shift R is drop aggro type preferably.
Shift F is class defining utility. Death grip. Mass dispel. etc.
Shift X is more heavy personal mitigation if applicable.
Shift 1-4,C is whatever left.

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Q, E , R , F , T , G.
Alt + Q, E, R, F, T, G Alt + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Shift + Q, E, R, F, T, G Shift + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
X for mount.

F1 F2 F3 F4 for buffs/resses.

I’ve got a gaming mouse with twelve buttons. Hotbar 1 is just 1–12. Hotbar 2 is shift + 1–12. Any other buttons I’d need, control + 1–12 (mainly druid forms).

Basically the entire left side of the keyboard up to y/g/b/6 which is as far as I can reach, plus ctrl/shift/alt modifiers, and mouse wheel/2 buttons + ctrl/shift/alt modifiers. Move with wasd but a/d are strafe, not turn.

Not all are used with the way classes are today, but are still bound from say, Cata, where I had 80ish binds for my sub rogue.