I personally use F1-F4 lol
Bear - S
Boomy - Shift+D
Cat - Shift+S
Travel - Shift+A
I run one macro for form shifts as boomie and have moonkin bound. If im out of combat i go stealth/cat and in combat i go bear.
i guess i’ll share
F2 -
F3 - /
Shift + B -
Shift + F -
i click treant form
Mouse wheel up is bear
Mouse wheel down is cat
Ctrl+dot is travel form
Alt+dot is boomy
Shift+dot is tree
Please dont hate me…
The spell icons on screen.
Shift Q -> Cat form.
Shift W -> Travel Form.
Shift E -> Bear Form
Shift D -> Cancel form
If you’re guardian - I don’t think that’s always bad at all.
But some forms you probably want to bind like travel form - since it could save your life faster than you can move cursor + click. (For like getting out of snares for example)
(Not trying to tell you how to play just a suggestion you can try out someday)
How dare you.
ugh, you know when someone adds a . to the end, it’s a big deal
i’m sowwy
(jk hehe )
I like that you use the keyboard for shifting (nothing wrong with mouse though). Also the “/cancelform” is cleverly placed, so good one.
I also use the keyboard for shifting and notice that sometimes my character just stops moving; It is almost as if the system cannot understand that I am still holding “w” (forward).
Those who switch forms (or walk forward) with their mouse may not notice this movement stop, but when the keyboard buttons are used to change your form (and maybe it is just me) I do notice this. The work-around for me is to move forward with the mouse (both right and left-click for forward) when shifting with the keyboard.
cat-shift R bear form-shift G travel form-shift b