What Are Your Form Keybinds?

I’ve been switching my form binds constantly to find one that fits, but they always end of getting changed. What are your keybinds for forms?

alt+1-3 and F for Boomy

mousewheel up is catform, down is travel, click is bear and shift click is boomy… if i wanna tree form i just click it.

Use 18 mouse buttons. 7 travel, 8 cat, 9 bear, 10 boomkin

Q bear E cat shift f for travel, shift g for tree

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Shift 1-4 in the order of bear, boomy, cat and travel.

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I’ve had my forms bound to my mouse wheel since BC. I’m not sure my brain would let me change at this point.

Up: Travel
Shift Up: Soulshape*
Ctrl Up: Bear
Down: Cat
Shift Down: Prowl
Ctrl Down: Shadowmeld

*Once upon a time Tree went on Shift-Up, then when there was no Tree I stuck Moonkin there instead. In SL I very rarely use Moonkin and I have an extra mobility ability, so I usually stick Soulshape in that spot.

Y is cat
D is bear
Shift + 2nd mouse button = cheetah

If i remember correctly in mop i had

Y cat form
Mwd bear
Mwu cheetah

I play piano so y has been pretty easy to hit even tho its honestly a bad bind
(H is my trinket)

I have a gaming mouse where 8 is in a really good position for my thumb so I use 8 for travel to get it quick Shift-8 for moonkin, ctrl for bear and alt for cat form

I like having them all within one button and just using a modifier to switch forms


I use 3 side buttons on my mouse. Moonkin shares a button with bear but shift mod for boomie. Rarely play boomie. I only shift to moonkin if I am running balance affinity as resto. This may not work so well for full balance specs.

I have shift+cat form button set to Shadowmeld so I can double click it to drop combat and enter stealth. Shift mod on travel form button sends me back to caster, regardless of current form, for quick pre shifting out of roots/snares.

I also made macros for each form. I think you’d be better to start with making a macro to fit what you want out of each form and then bind it after that is finalized. Just my two cents.

Same buttons as Vanilla. Couldn’t change them if I wanted too , G is bear, T is travel form , B is Cat or Boom

My keybinds honestly don’t make sense. They make sense to me for my bars and the reasons I have certain spells on certain slots with certain keybinds… But they sound whack to other people.

I use a Corsair Scimitar mouse (Razer Naga style.) All my thumb grip keys are set to the F1-12 keys. (Except 4. That’s bound to J)

So Cat form is F1 (1 key on thumb grip. I used to have all my form keybinds on F1-4, and this one stuck when I switched all my keybinds around.)

Bear is Alt + J (Alt + 4 key on the thumb grip The 4 key (bound to J) is my primary, secondary attack. My primary low CD ability. It’s Mangle, it’s Starfire, it’s Regrowth. So Alt + J is convenient for Bear Form.)

Travel form is V (V, F1, and F2 are my speed boost abilities. Since F1 is cat form, and F2 is charge, V goes to travel form.)

Boomkin is Alt + F9 (9 key on thumb grip F9 is usually my non-healer heal ability. It’s where Frenzied regen sits. Shaman heals sit there, Warrior’s Victory rush is there. Alt + F9 was put up as an alternative for my Resto’s “I need to fight right now!” keybind. That one just felt natural.)

I know. Weird keybinds. They’re all over the place, but they make complete sense to me. All of my toons use the same keybinds for similar abilities. All slows are in the same slot with the same keybind. All silences, all leaps, all charges, all non-healer healing spells. My mitigation ability is always on F8 (Center of the mouse thumb grip keypad.)

Where do you put your tree form now though?

How do you open your bags?

Z, X, C, V across


Normal ones. F1,F2,F3,F4

I changed them a bit around ICC but after over a decade there’s no reason to move them.

Scroll up scroll down shift scroll up

Alt+1: Cat form Alt+2: Bear form Alt+3 Chicken form Z: Mount form, also mount key for other classes.

You mean like the glyph? I don’t use it.

You used to use the tree form, but now you don’t? Neither Glyph, nor ability?