Ctrl A - Bear
Ctrl S - Cat
Ctrl D - Travel
Ctrl F - Boomkin
My cat is also macrod for prowl, to go into stealth by default when out of combat or regular shape shift when out.
Ctrl A - Bear
Ctrl S - Cat
Ctrl D - Travel
Ctrl F - Boomkin
My cat is also macrod for prowl, to go into stealth by default when out of combat or regular shape shift when out.
I use Q for travel and E for cat form. If I want to go into anither form I click on it but I don’t use them often. I know those are prime keys for abilities but having the form shift keys there makes my like so much easier.
Shift + Mouse buttons 1-4 are shapeshift for me (16 button mouse).
Shift 1,2,3,4
F1- travel
F2 - bear
F3 - cat
F4 - boomy
F5 - night fae soul shape =p
I used to do this until I got the 18 buttons mouse
Right. Back in the day you had no option but to use it; tree was a regular form, like cat or bear, and you were always in it when you were healing same as you’re always in bear when tanking. (It was great in many ways, but reduced your movement speed, which was annoying.)
Once they did away with that I stopped binding tree to my form switching keys. I rarely-to-never use incarn, but when I do I just bind it elsewhere like any other cooldown.
I have F2 for bear form, and R brings me into my spec form. Sometimes I have cat form bound to mouse button 7 but norm its just the stealth.
sorry shadow priest main leveling a druid alt, but why would you need a keybind to go into form?
On a Razer Naga, 3 of my forms are on my mouse scrollwheel and my 4th is on the button right behind the wheel.
Click Wheel Left - Cat
Click Wheel Right - Bear
Click Wheel Press - Travel
Mouse Button - Moonkin
Just to be efficient. For example, to soak damage quickly shift to Bear Form, etc. People also focus on economy of motion and place the spell or macro for shifting where they can be reached quickly with muscle memory. One should be able to shift without impacting the flow of your rotation (GCDs aside, if any).
I use Shift
+ e
to switch back and forth between Cat Form and Bear Form with the following macro (as Feral):
/cast [form:2] Bear Form(Shapeshift); [form:0/1/3/4/5/6] Cat Form(Shapeshift)
I have a 12 button mouse. I use the 3 buttons closest to my body (10,11,12)
10 is travel
11 is cat
12 is bear
Absolutely love this setup for all the years I’ve used it.
Edit- PvP, albeit mostly casual, is the reason I play this game. Shifting quickly is huge for me.
I use Shift b
Mouse scroll up is gear and scroll down is travel form t and y are catforms
I use the default stance bar shift-1-4. I’ve been doing it since Vanilla and I’d break my brain trying anything else.
Shifting on the run. Druid shapeshifting is instant-cast and should be fluid. You don’t want to stand there and mouse click your forms.
Clearing poly (as resto) or snares is fastest with a keybind, and probably the most important thing to do smoothly. Getting in and out of travel form. Popping into bear form on the run if something is hitting me. Getting back to boomie or cat if I toss out off-heals. Shifting into cat form for the movement boost in Shriekwing. It’s also much more convenient to have a keybind for my habit of leaping off the mage tower in SW as I get to the “outdoors” spot where I can shift to crow.
I just use 1-6 (as Resto with Balance affinity, plus the tree for fun, plus Mount Form).
I have a giant red button with a light in it next to my keyboard i hardwired to a key, I smash it for bear form. I have a gas pedal under my desk i use for travel form. And i slide a glass of water off the desk for cat form.
Shift Space = Travel (just press space again to start flying)
Shift E = Bear
Shift D = Cat