What Are You Supposed To Do in TWW Endgame?

Is it really just spamming M+ and raidlogging?

I’m not asking this in bad faith - the last time I seriously played WoW it was back in Shadowlands, and only for the first 1.5 months. I dabbled a bit in M+ but completed normal Castle Nathria only. I really tried doing pug M+ in Shadowlands but the experience was miserable.

From what I’ve gathered initially, the game feels even more complex these days and in a bad way.


Delves are a valid form of solo end-game progression now.

PvP is there.

I mean, how are we supposed to answer? We don’t know what you like doing.


From what I’ve heard from other people speaking, Delves are okay but their purpose is still to funnel you into M+ eventually. I don’t believe Delves rewards are truly competitive with M+.


If you want to do M+ then just do M+

I’m enjoying delves on their own just fine.


Making forum posts is valid retail endgame activity :laughing:


Okay but that doesn’t relate to your original statement at all. Anyone can enjoy anything. Whether or not Delves are a serious form of endgame progression is another thing.

Do what you like to do. Beyond that, I can’t say a whole lot.


You can get Heroic level gear from it.

I guess you’ll have to define what “endgame progression” means to you.


Don’t forget about pvp if that’s something you like to do.

Also, it just depends on what you consider endgame really. If min/maxing is your endgame then yes, it’s just M+ and raids…just like it’s been for the last several xpacs

In Dragonflight, WOW changed from having more or less “mandatory” endgame activities, to having a choice of a bunch of different things to do. Noone is “required” to do anything. Just do what you want to do. I’m personally an altoholic, though I did do hardcore raiding in the past I don’t anymore. I don’t (normally) go above LFR, and I don’t do M+ anymore. I just do the weekly quest (whatever it is, including delves), LFR, and level alts. I stopped when I was able to clear L8 delves.

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Same thing as every wow game ever?

Come on people its been 20 years. They are expansion packs not new genres.


I do delves as my “endgame progression” and enjoy revisiting old expansions and knocking them over for cosmetics.


I’m confused. Seems like you dont want to do M+ or raid. Someone offers you Delves,and you respond:

You seem to be looking for something that doesnt exist and have already looked into it.

I dont believe this to be true:

see ya. :boom: :door:



Getting into m+ as a dps at this point of the season is pretty difficult. My poor 615 rogue cant get into 2s xD

Pretty much yes, as the ‘main’ course so to say, along with delves now (super fun imo). But as for other stuff, I’ve been having fun doing the big completion achievements sense it seems blizz is intent on having those final expac mounts for completing everything.

It really depends on what you like to do!

My endgame is just spamming BG Blitz queues this is the best season of WoW in a long time I can just do what I want which is BGs

Yep. That’s me.

And getting my lvl 34 classic rogue up to 60 in anniversary. Currently dying on repeat to raptors in STV in between troll ears

Mythic is harder than ever. I did one +2 and I can solo 8s and 9 delves but the scale of mythic is a different game than it was past couple of expansions.

And frankly with the talk of toxicity there, it’s not for me. PvP stopped being fun in BFA.

Now it’s just relentless Alliance Premades camping us at a GY for easy honor. And Siren Isle has like 3 people playing it at any time

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

Delves give heroic track gear in the vault and gear equivalent to a M+6 at the end if you use a key…

Depending on what YOUR end-game is, it can be a “serious form of end-game”

I mean, for the casual people I used to play with…heroic track is where we normally stopped so it is end-game

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I read a post today about some glitches with a world boss. Several people commented about it, sharing their stories, and comparing world bosses in the different zones, which they were killing each week.

I had no idea what they were talking about. I think i saw one once and might have joined a group that formed. Now i want to look for them.

Point is there are so many ways to play this game and pass the time. It doesn’t have to devolve into key spam and raid logging. End game can mean vasty different things to different people.

Some people persue achievements, some collect gear and transmogs, some solo old content. Some like maxing every profession.

There’s a guy in my guild who didnt raid this season. He was too busy leveling the max number of alts to 80 (around 65 I think). He does this every new xpac apparently and then goes back to raiding in season 2.

I know someone who runs community raids. They rush AotC then quit and play other games until the next raid tier.

There’s no right or wrong way to play a persistant world mmo like this. There’s nothing you’re “supposed” to do.

There’s people I’ve hung out with in Discord that I’ve never seen in the game. I assume they play, but mostly they just want someone to chat with. The game is just an excuse.

I could go on but I’ve waffled a bit now.


Go do them yourself and make your own opinions instead

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