What are you most excited for in 10.0?

Upirlupirina does it amaze you how many people pop into threads having read nothing about the expansion yet commenting like what they are saying is fact when in reality they are just pulling stuff out of the air?

It has always been slightly amusing to me. I have tried to bite my tongue on the issue but sometimes you just have to be blunt about it

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Dracthyr. Dragon lore.

Talent trees is also a very welcome return as somebody who never really liked the current talent system since it was implemented in MoP.


Its amusing but not shocking any more. Iā€™ve seen posts on a lot of things on a social media site where only the headline was read.

This announcement kinda shows no matter what blizz does people will complainā€¦

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Basically, everything you listed.

Everything else isā€¦(sssiiiiiiiiiighhhhh)

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Crazy Goldshire dragon things happening on Moon Guard :laughing:

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The new class sounds cool. Cannot wait to try that out.

I was kind of hoping i would be able to level up in the classic wow content, the old overworld from the pre cataclysm days in chromie time, but i guess not.

New talent tree revamp seems awesome as well. The new zones seem cool. Wrath classic seems cool, although i think alot of people are let down by the lack of the dungeon finder, or at least a version of wrath classic that includes it, and another wrath classic version that does not include it.

New dungeons seem cool. Excited about that. Nothing really to hate.

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My God!!! This will bring a whole new level of weird to Moonguard. I think Iā€™m slightly more scarred for life now then I was before

Thanks so much for sharing this :face_vomiting:

Theyā€™ve showed both the boomkin and resto mock up so far. And the left side IS the same. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. However, druids already have a lot of those abilities based on the square icons being abilities. So theyā€™re picking certaining things to add to their kit. However, what Iā€™m saying is between each spec druid has vastly different abilities. Take a class like paladin and thatā€™s not really true. All 3 specs have word of glory, flash of light, crusader strike, consecration, judgement, auras, etc. So unless they diversify the specs a LOT, the paladin tree on the left will be extremely small compared to something like a druid.

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Ahh I get it now. Well hopefully they diversify them. Iā€™m interested in seeing all the class trees myself. To see what is going baseline class wiseā€¦

editā€“what i would really love is combat to come back for rogues

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New places to explore for the first time.

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Oh yes the amusing broken fun that was Combat Rogue with maces back in the day with permastun before true DRs :rofl:

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What I liked:

Talent trees
Every user-friendly idea they have incorporated into the talent tree interface
Additional 61 to 70 levels
New zones
New race starter zone experience
Focus on exploration
Focus on story
The more low key story
Work Orders
Being able to customize my dragon
Being able to fly while casting spells
Wrathion being back

What I wasnā€™t so thrilled with:

Blizzard looking to make more things account wide
Only four new questing zones.
New raceā€™s dragonoid form being unisex
New raceā€™s humanoid form just being a Blood Elf reskin and not having wings!
ā€˜Modernizationā€™ of the HUD elements
Complicating professions again
No announcement of player housing

Jury still out for:

New class (didnā€™t see enough to judge)
Dragonriding (I want to be the big dragon flying)
Updating of the HUD UI (didnā€™t see anything for chat window which is my pet peeve)

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Dracthyr/Evoker. The customizable dragonflight looks cool as well. wonā€™t know until I see more on that to know for sure

Heck yea!! and lets make lockpicking have to be leveled again lol

BfA and Shadowlands made me feel completely disconnected from WoW.

Dragonflight feels more like WoW for me. So for now Iā€™m hesitantly hopeful! For now Iā€™m going to wait and see what systems they file the expansion with until I can fully commit to saying Iā€™ll play it.

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All we can hope for is they listen to our feedback in beta as much as they are listening to our feedback up to this point.

Itā€™s clear they have been listening at this point but they need to keep listening. How much they pay attention to their players in beta will make or break this expansion.

I think another problem that causes this is if Beta gets filled with mostly RPG players it can really hurt things. Vs filling beta with a lot of long time wow players.

I think they need to factor in heavily who gets into beta versus making it completely random. Iā€™m sorry but I believe heavily that if you have an account that has been active since say 2005 you should have almost a guaranteed shot of getting into beta.

Sometimes the advice you get is not nearly as important as who could be giving you the advice. I mean if I own a company that I am trying to change for the better I would much rather hear from people that have worked for the company for 20 years then someone who just started yesterday. The people that have worked for me for 20 years are you going to have the most Insight on what needs to change

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This is what Iā€™ll be paying attention to the most. I do feel that theyā€™ve listened to a lot of player feedback in 9.1.5 and 9.2. As much as he can Ian has admitted to knowing they messed up. So for that I give him a lot of credit. Now itā€™s wait and see if they continue with what they say theyā€™re going to do.

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-wod pvp gearing
-new healer spec
-talent trees
-healer interrupts (will legitimately unsub if healers get kicks but pally doesnā€™t get rebuke back)
-hopefully less meta defining borrowed powers

Professionā€™s always wanted too get into it but the Auction house is just confusing too me so and the idea of being able too like pick up a commission from someone and make what theyā€™re after for them just sounds perfect

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The talent trees. I need to see more information on them. But Iā€™m glad they are back.