What are you most excited for in 10.0?

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The talent trees could be good, and I hope they’re good, but I’m concerned since the one they chose to display was the most versatile class in the game. It looks like you’re buying your baseline abilities with the points on the left and your “current day” talent affects/passives with the points on the right. What happens to a class like paladin or demon hunter? They don’t have a large variety of different things across their specs. Will they get new stuff to fill the gaps? Will druids lose out on things they already have cause they’ll balance the points gained around a demon hunter/evoker class with 2 specs?

The reason I’m worried is during the whole “unpruning” for shadowlands they gave stuff like steady shot back to all hunters, but survival doesn’t wield a bow. They gave shield of the righteous to ret, but ret doesn’t use shields. Are those the types of talents we’ll see on the left? Hopefully not. Hopefully we’ll see classes with less diverse abilities across their specs currently, be given a lot more variety.

My new dracthyr evoker main tops the list. But really all of it, dragons, talents, professions, improved flying, the Ulduar vibes, etc.


Talent trees that will be cookie-cutter, have "wrong’ options and from the looks of it require you to spec a certain way if you want to use spells/abilities that you have as baseline now. Yep, awesome.

Still plenty of time for them to introduce that. I forsee the introduction of at least 2 different power systems for each patch. Can’t have players actually enjoy the game, gotta have those /played increasing systems in place.

Says who? All we know is that we get mini-game dragons to “fly” on that will be less convenient than actual flight, and possibly more annoying that being grounded due to much larger zones. I still forsee pathfinder, because inevitably players will want to use their actual mounts.

I’ll be excited when they announce actual changes and set them in stone. Fix the classes/specs and make them fun to play, set M+ as its own content that doesn’t inflate ilvl for raiders, remove the need to do chores (while making me want to do content).


The irony.


You mean unlike the toxic narcissists who patrol the forums looking for players to try to drive from the game in an effort to help blizzard by reducing their subs as much as possible?


One of the lead developers it’s literally on MMO-Champion in one of the developer interviews.

He clearly stated there will be no Pathfinder

“Flying in the Dragon Isles will not require a Pathfinder achievement”


Then they will be straight up lying because one of the developers stated there will be no system like that. This is going to sound harsh but it’s also pretty blunt. You know instead of just pulling things out of your rear it would help you to read the developer interviews on MMO-Champion before commenting. There are like four different interviews there

Here is a direct quote from one of the interviews and I have linked the source
“There are no borrowed power systems in Dragonflight”


I’d just add some of the other stuff they covered: UI updates, and updates to professions such as work orders. Especially on the point of work orders, I don’t maintain a zoo of alts. with maxed professions. I’m thinking of certain consumables here like Electroshock Mount Motivators. If I could put the materials in a work order and get the stuff I want, which would probably not end up on the AH otherwise


I fully agree. People have been crying for the longest time for them to make professions useful again and this may very well do it

I’m very curious to see how all this plays out

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The talent trees and the profession changes to have specs back. I was just talking about this with my GM on monday.

I hope they since they havent given a good look at profs bring back glyphs like before as well

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I’m intrigued by this as well. This bodes well for me now instead of splitting time on a alch toon to level I can focus on 1 toon

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give us a decent game first then worry about housing

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Agreed there are many other aspects of the game that need attention first

My thought process to player housing is if that is your biggest complaint about World of Warcraft then you need to face the reality that this was never the game for you. I could understand it if the game once had that in the developers took it away then that argument would make sense however that is something that the game has never had

There are many other games out there for that type of thing why not play them instead of trying to turn wow into something it’s not

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There are 2 talent trees. One is a class talent tree and one is spec based. I would wager to guess the class tree will be the same no matter your spec and then you get into say like frost/fire. Ret/Prot things like that

The talent trees because a lot of mage utility is currently locked behind specs. But the customizable dragons and dragonriding looks insanely awesome as well. I love returning to a high fantasy setting.


I can’t describe how excited I am for the evoker class, it seems to tick so many boxes for me.
A dps spec with multiple spells that involve flying and/or breathing magic AND the option to heal as an off-spec to a class in which I might not find DPSing boring? 200% sold.

Being a twink dragon is also a plus, provided they actually get to show armor other than those silly tabards in the previews we have seen.

That aside, I’m generally very happy with the direction that it seems to be headed with the new old talent trees and stuff


Like the trees aren’t cookie cutter now? Holy crap the more choices the better for talents. As far as borrowed power and pathfinder

Quote from mmo

ragonflight Developer Interviews - Ungeek, Gamespot, and Gamerbraves
Several fan sites interviewed the World of Warcraft developers about Dragonflight.

Ungeek Interview

  • The Dragon Isles are large and so Dragon Riding was added to allow a unique and easier way to navigate this world designed for dragons.
  • Flying hasn’t changed much in 17 years, and Dragon Riding was added to provide a modern take on it that involves physics and momentum and is available early into the expansion that grows over time.

Gamespot Interview

  • Flying in the Dragon Isles will not require a Pathfinder achievement.
  • The Dragon Isles was chosen for this expansion because it was one of the few remaining known places on Azeroth yet to be explored.
  • The Evoker class came about as the team realized that the Dracthyr race was too unique to be accessed by the current classes.
  • A Threads of Fate leveling system for alts will be utilized in Dragonflight and Blizzard is looking into making more systems account-wide.
  • Blizzard also plans to provide a more in-depth open world experience going forward.
    *** here are no borrowed power systems in Dragonflight, but instead a revamp of systems that players are familiar with.*
    ***** The team saw with the release of WoW Classic that much of the strengths of the old talent system still worked today and tried to find a way to incorporate that into the modern game.
  • The team is taking a “when it’s ready approach” to release and so there is no release date yet.

Actually you brought up an interesting point. This checks a box for me too. To be honest what you just described is what I wished demon Hunters had been. When I first played Legion I thought to myself “you know with these wings this class would be so much more fun as a ranged class. Imagine the gliding attack animations” now we get just that with a cool dragon form on top of it

Agreed 100%. I’ve never understood the want for housing. During WoD all I ever heard on the server I was on in chat was how much people hated the garrys.

I would rather the devs not waste resources on it

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