What are you maining come SL?

Monk or DeathKnight. I think I’m going to try main spec tanking this expansion for the first time in 15 years.

game is unplayable without double jump so i have no choice

Been a shadow priest main since cata, there’s no reason to stop now. Especially since we’re finally getting a redesign :smile:

NELF Druid for life, boomkin

Disc Priest
Blood DK
BM Hunter
Affliction Lock


I really want to get my hands on the new shadow priest, i’ve always wanted to use one as my main, but someting else always caught my attention. Then the trash heap that is BFA spriest happened and i lost all interest.

Everything about it looks aces, in my book. There are actual options and synergies with talents. I’m totally about it, ideally, but i’d like to get my hands on it first to know how it feels, you can’t really get that from watching someone else play it.

The lack of mobility has always bothered me, but that’s kind of fixed with covenants.

Same as always, this windwalker girl for life. I’m too far attached to her, can’t play anyone else seriously at a main level.

In WoW Classic I cannot pick a single class for the life of me. Keep rerolling at 20 to see what’s out there. Not really gravitating to hunter in Classic because that’s what I was when that content was current.

“What does this have to do with the topic?”

I am still that hunter. Hunter for life! My one and only character that I ever do anything vaguely interesting on!

This mage. Arcane spec.

I’m a glutton for punishment.

prolly a tank or healer.

Right now im looking at blood dk.

Difficult question, will likely depend on how I adapt to various classes’ unprunes. BM hunter seems to be getting a bit of meaningless dreck that diminishes the simplicity of the spec (hunter’s mark on every target just cause!), and balance druid is getting the pendulum back. Both those characters would be ahead of this one in a vacuum but both those changes make me cautious.

This character only gets a bunch of highly situational curses I’ll probably never use, plus the boneless option, so right now this is most appealing.

Maining this pallys, same since BC.
Alt life for the warlock
Bank rogue still stuck at 90 :frowning:

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Leaning hunter with pally/mage alts. Maybe a shaman as well :smiley:

Evidence of why one should always know what a word means before using it. That’s hilarious lol

Mage and DK. Preferably frost, frost, and blood specs.

We’ll see how everything ends up balanced though. :grin:

Warrior or Hunter.

still undecided , wanted to main arcane mage but…

2nd option Moonkin but need to test the new eclipse first ugh

Now looking into Lock (affli looks fun come SL…)

Any class without both a tank and heal spec is essentially dead content to me, so that’s limiting my options a little.

At the moment I’m thinking Paladin, but I’ll probably level a Druid and a Monk as well to see how their tank specs feel before I hard commit one way or another.

After finding out you can tame rei lun and heavenly black serpent boss, BM hunter.

This guy I made in 2006… forever and always

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