What are you maining come SL?

My druid and with these new shadow changes probably my priest as well.

Likely this toon, and choosing Revendreth.

Was going to be my hunter but I’m looking at balance druid now.

Lazers pewpew

I’m really looking forwards to gettin death coiled when watching the lock teleport to high ground

problem is, the ability still requires a ranged weapon to use. and sv still doesnt use one. :X i guess you could swap back and forth though.


And if that does not work out i’m branching onto a shaman or a paladin

Vulpera disc priest

You either have no idea what that word means or you know exactly what it means, and I’m curious which is true.


Discipline Priest main here, probably have my Guardian Druid for tanking, and my UH Dk for dps

I’m not sure, I’ve been avoiding Shadowlands spoilers so I have no idea which class/spec is good and which is bad.
Probably gonna play through the storyline with this druid first for questing conveniences, although I still have no idea which covenant is better for feral/resto.

How do you decide what to main anyway?With all these covenants, soulbinds and conduits(?) I can’t even make a decision.


oooooooooooo yeah okay that is not good!!


Fury Warrior.

Maybe prot but will see.

I definitely liked it. :rofl:

Fury warrior. This lady right here.

paladin of course, someones gotta get the light.

hopefully mm hunter doesn’t suck at that point. same with frost mage.

because those are what i usually play.

also feral druid…basically everything i play is unplayable right now lol

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I will main my main this character =) will never switch

Assassin/Subtlety Rogue (H) and BM/MM Hunter (A).

for now I have no main for sl, my current “main” is still in doubt for sl.

Gonna main Warrior maybe they gave arms a self heal that would be nice