What are you doing in WoW rn?

For me, sadly nothing.

Tonight I’m writing a cover letter and typing it out. Yay me. But did get to 322 today

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I’m doing this:


I’m so sorry

not subbed right now.

gonna be doing some ESO stuff here shortly, but i’ll probably come back to wow in 8.2.

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I was working on gearing up my dh but now I will watch 2019 Dororo with my bf.

Typing my farewell letter to my 5 year old guild and my CE guild. :slight_smile:
Sub’s out in like 3 hrs.

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I’m telling one of my guildies how much I love them.

In about 30 seconds I’m gonna yell at them to not stand in frogs.

Then I’m gonna stand in frogs and blame it on the raid leader.


I was running around doing quests and stuff, but then I logged off and came here for a few minutes before I turn in.

Just got my Rogue to 120, which makes my fifth 120.

Logging out and skimming the forums before I hit the sack.


Ouch. I remember doing something similar when arenas came out in BC. It took an hour or more to get all 10 matches in.

Trying to think of something to do in game.

Came back after an 8 month hiatus and doing world quests. :smiley:

Side note: Anybody know how to update your avatar? I’ve logged out several times and no cigar.

You mean change avatars? You click your portrait in the upper right and pick “change character”. If you mean, make your character show your current status, there’s nothing you can do but wait for armory to update. It’s showing you as lvl 120 to me, if that’s important.

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Told the raid that Pa’ku was gonna land at the diamond marker, when I knew it was gonna land at triangle, and I watched half of them just believe what I said and run to diamond without actually looking at where it was going. I warned them that I was going to do this last time and they weren’t prepared. Just absolutely braindead.

I seriously love them, though, they’re good people.

Thank you for the reply! Yeah it’s just not updating my tmog since… forever ago. So I’m stuck with this fugly thing in the Avatar, but my Armory pic looks improved. shrugs

Just assume it’s another one of the drawbacks of these new forums. :roll_eyes:

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Leveling my Paladin to main in 8.2. Huge change from leveling my mage. I can actually take a few hits and not die lol.

I just made a suit of Sinister armor and two weapons for my Wife’s Fury Warrior who just dinged 120. We then ran Arathi Warfront (her first warfront ever), and for some reason, her 370 quest just disappeared without her getting to turn it in. Annoyed me to no end, so exited game, and came here.

I’m standing in my faction capital because I don’t have a guild and I’m very bored.

Honest Question: Why?

There doesn’t seem to be anything noteworthy from Crucible LFR. Like for example I do the last wing of Daz for the mount chance, but that’s it.