What are you doing in WoW rn?

Roll Alliance! Make new friends in the Horde! Help a newbie! Do a thing.




Thank you for your enthusiasm.

It’s pet battle bonus week. Go capture some pets and get some pet battling achieves. :smile:

That’s not a bad idea. :slight_smile: I think I’d rather just play pokemon, though…

Nothing yet as I am reading the forums.

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Right now I have no real motivation to even logon this month. Ran old mog runs for months on all my toons, collected mounts, tired of islands, tired of the same dailies for the same chests of junk, there is no story progression (which is the part I enjoy most), my mains guild ran the current 2 boss run one time, and half of them are on hiatus, so things are dead right now. I just see no reason to bother with the game at this time, when i could have more fun watching you tube videos or netflix. And I have been active every day since the launch of Wrath.



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You don’t need a guild. Find more global friends. Try a different mode of play.

Logging out.

Running from N’zoth whispers,flight does help ,LOL.

Getting this priest’s IO up in the hopes of getting a 10 this week.

Lurking the forums realizing I’m getting way more enjoyment out of this than BFA.


Queuing dungeons on my druid because I got to her to max via island expeditions which…lack in the gear department.

Good luck! It’s been forever - it seems - since I’ve done tens.

i don’t want to grind mythics and my raid guild died, i finished all story quests and don’t like arena pvp, so, i’m not playing it.

Waiting for 8.2 for story and classic for leveling.

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Farming the Darkshore warfront transmog. Pretty funny also, I had a mage whisper me about me stealing the aggro from the tank(As feral!) and spreading the mobs while the tank tried to “methodically” organize the mobs.

Aah, Warfronts never cease to make me laugh.

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