What Are These Demon Girls From WC3R?

You know, with every new model wowhead finds, Im looking more and more forwards to this remake. Its turning out to be well worth the extra wait from the expected summer release. Hoping for a release date announcement at blizzcon!

You literally contridict yourself! “It’s not a matter of looking like a Succubi.” followed IMMEDIATELY by “It’s a matter of not having the right anatomy.”

Those to things are basically the same thing, I don’t even…

And the Succubus models you linked have the WoW Succubus anatomy just as much as the Moonkin does.

Legs, Wings, Tail, Horns, ect with differences equivalent to the Owlkin differences and yet you are trying to say “No! Not the same” when the Owlkin have far bigger differences than the Succubus do.

Comparing WoW Succubus to the WCIII:Reforged ones and then the WoW Owlkin to the WCIII:Reforged ones, the Owlkin are by far the most different by comparison. Those Succubi look far closer to their WoW counterparts than the Owlkin do and yet you are arguing that is not the case…

Because the Owlkin do not matter to your argument.

The differences are literally the same scale as the Owlkin changes…


I’m not.

The moonkin don’t look like each other, but they have the same anatomy.

The WoW Succubus has two wing fingers on each wing. The WC3 one has 3 fingers on each wing. Different anatomy.

Tell me one single anatomical element of the WC3 moonkin that’s anatomically different from the WoW Moonkin?

Muscle mass doesn’t count, since RL Humans have both Dwayne Johnson and John Oliver.

Beard length also doesn’t count as different anatomy.

Either an artist interpretation on how they view Succubus.

OR Female Eredar with wings. As Blizzard said originally male only units would be getting female variants in WC3.

Like the DH, and the DK.

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Just a Succubus my friend, they may not look the way you’d prefer, or how they do in WoW and other art, but that’s the way the WC3 artist see them.

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WoW Owlbears don’t have giant spikes coming out of their backs? They have antlers yes but your big horns aren’t coming from them… they are sprouting outta their back.

There is a lot different, can see just as much as an “Owlbear” enthusiast.

Mortis, friend…

You need to get off Tinder.


Do you have a picture of the olwbear from the back so that we can see if those spikes are growing out of their backs or not?

Because I’m assuming they are just ornamental. Just something else’s bones that the moonkin is wearing.

I will throw him a bone and agree that they look more like Portal Keeper Hasabei in some aspects, who is technically a Doom Maiden, but in other aspects they are very much in line with WoW’s succubi.

Whatever they are, I want to play as one. :heart_eyes:

/Am a DH posting in a Mortis thread

There are no other shots so you’ll have to trust what I’m seeing, look behind the antlers and you’ll see its back before the spikes, if you can’t see it wait until Wowhead has a 360 uploaded.

In the meantime we can go with other changes like the feathery areas of the stomach and shoulders becoming fur or the new cockatoo crest.

I know there are spikes.

I’m just not convinced they are part of the moonkin.

I can appreciate your passion on the subject, but it seems clearly for some models they stuck to as original as possible.

And with others they added their own flair, like with the Moonkin and Succubi.

Owlbear have little metal bangles and simple gear or in the reforged one a loincloth but i don’t think they are crafting spikes… they’d be very heavy and even if they are light they’d still be very awkward to attach to their bodies. You’d see big straps at the very least.

I think they just had a lot of fun with the KT moonie and wanted another version with the back horns.

That’s just speculation. I’m not saying you’re not right but you could be wrong because all we have is a static picture of the Moonkin from the front.

Until we see their backsides, we can’t be sure what those things are.

Also: crafting spikes is easier than little metal bangles. You just take a piece of wood or bone and sharpen it lol

If they were just pointy sticks but you can see they’re a bit decorative, would take a bit to carve. Maybe not difficulty but certainly a lot of time.

If you wanna make a metal bangle all you need is sand to make a sand pour and a cheap metal that they could melt with just a simple fire, like tin. Poor the melted tin into the sand mold on your darkshore beach or whatever and you got a bangle.

Yeah but you gotta remember, they outsourced this project.

This is a totally different set of people “reimagining” the art from Warcraft.

This is not a surprise coming from another studio.