What Are These Demon Girls From WC3R?

They have Succubus legs, Dreadlord wings and mostly Eredar horns (though one of them has Dreadlord horns as well).

Their tails are unlike any I’ve ever seen.


They look like souped up Succubi, which where in WC3.


Idk what they are, but I really, really want their outfits.

makes grabby hands


Those are definitely not Succubus wings.

Succubi have a very particular wing shape you don’t see elsewhere.

You can have their outfits, I’ll just take them.

also grabby hands


I came here to say “my new waifus” but I just couldn’t. Even ironically that word makes my skin crawl.

That’s what I mean by souped up. Better looking, a redesign. I mean making the units better looking is one of the stated goals of reforged… isn’t it? I think you are overthinking this.


Not sure, but I really like it, actually. The tails look super cool.

Lowkey makes me think of a more humanoid manticore-type creature. I dig it.

They’re succubi with better models.

Also, dude. Just find yourself a big booty demon hunter girlfriend already.


ill say it for you then

they’re my hot new demon waifus

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Says the zombie?

You wish. Go back to the crypt you crawled out of.

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I’d date a million zombies before even considering the idea of dating a Demon Hunter.

You forget that WC3 Reforged is using a different art style than WoW and WC3. Those are succubuses…succubi…whatever.

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Those are succubi. The WCIII:Reforged models are not 1:1 with WoW, the biggest example being WoW’s Owlkin vs WCIII:Reforged’s Owlkin.


Aren’t they just Eredar with restyled wings?

And here I thought you were the fun sort. Oh Mortis, sweetie… Felsavior needs to teach you some things.

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It’s not an art style difference. It’s an anatomy difference.

You look at the Elves, they still have elf ears. You look at the orcs, they still have their tusks and pig noses and pointy ears.

But these “Succubi” have completely different anatomy. It’s not the same species lol

Between you and the succubi, I’d rather take my chances with the demon hunters. I don’t need any fel transmitted curses.