What are these crafting orders!?

Looking through the craft orders page. See people posting for items worth 50k+ while giving no mats and a 100 or so gold commission. :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:

There’s hundreds of them too. Y’all gotta be crazy.


Probably from people who have no idea what the ROI lookout is from the crafters end? Or even what ROI is. Or even how funds paid in exchange for goods/Services actually works.

Or, could be murlocs. Definitely could be.


Then just don’t do it. Someone else will.

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I guarantee you, no one else will.

They sit there til they expire. I’ve watched them.

They post them hoping someone will do them without noticing they supplied no mats. Or that someone is desperate enough for a “First Craft Bonus.”


You would need to be rather…shall we say, unobservant ,not to notice both the little icon next to the materials and the popup warning…to be taken in by that scam.

And if someone has that tendency, they should definately have the No Mats No Make add on happening.

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It’s usually just people hoping somebody else won’t check, so a scam.


Difficult to be accurate, but mostly likely up to no good in hoping the unaware crafter will just overlook it & gotcha! I learn to avoid them, but sometimes I may take it farther, place the char on ignore, but that’s also limiting my ignore list to more important matters, so… :face_with_peeking_eye:

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It’s either trolls or people who don’t bother to calculate how much the mats should cost.

Either way I don’t do 'em.

It might be a good idea if Blizzard implemented some rules for Public Orders.
Potential ones could be; having to supply all mats if you can’t supply mettle (pretty much all mats can be bought in the AH), or they could set a minimum price for some items (like those that need Order or the Altar of Decay to make).

TL/DR: Public Crafting Orders have pretty much gotten to the point where Blizz might have to intervene to protect the crafter.

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On the other hand, I actually got a couple work orders where the buyer supplied almost nothing, but paid enough to cover materials and give me some extra. Though I’m not sure why they didn’t just buy the materials on the AH themselves.

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Should just add an additional cost to the deposit for each material not provided.

If the order does not get filled, the gold is not returned.
If it does get filled the gold is returned.

It’s pretty clear which orders are supplying materials and which aren’t, i don’t see why crafters need to be protected from this, if you don’t want to waste your own materials for a skill up, just ignore them. I don’t understand why this issue is so confusing to some people.

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I do this all the time, with my orders.

My mod shows me the total cost of materials to make the item, I provide none of them and then do total cost + tip.

I don’t need to go buy the mats and I feel the more dedicated crafters would already have those mats sitting around, so I’m more likely to get a R5.

So far it’s been working.

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Yeah, if you’re paying enough to cover the materials and add more for the crafter, you should definitely be getting them completed.

Those ones that want you to spend 3000 gold on materials for their provided 50 gold are insane.


Yea, I’m doing inscription the list has been filled with 1silver tip, no material, dragon customisations everyday ever since they could.

I’ll do the LW ones if they are missing base leather or scales cause they are silver and there’s a good com on it.

2k com - 500 in scales = 1.5k com + maybe a skill up.

Past that? I don’t mess with em.

The dude that posts this has been doing it since the change was made. He’s just hoping someone will fall for it. I’ve edited his name out, though I really want to show it because he’s a scammer.

I see orders for him in all crafting professions doing the same thing.
Oh, here’s one the same dude gave a Shimmering Clasp to help the poor schmuck out who falls for it.

This type of order should be stopped. Not everyone knows about this scam, and Blizzard could just not allow the crafter’s cut to be lower than the price to craft if no mats are supplied for public orders.

Private orders, on the other hand, should be allowed to be placed with no tip at all. It’s annoying to have to type in 1 silver when I order for my alts.


How is it a scam, the orders are clearly marked in terms of which materials are being provided and which aren’t. I’m not saying this guy is a good guy, he may very well be hoping to trick someone into using all of their mats, but we shouldn’t have this functionality taken away from us in order to protect people from themselves.

I like throwing an order in when i have some materials and a larger tip to compensate, it makes life easier.


Maybe just maybe somebody looking for 3 or 6 or 9 skill to cap off their profession might find some of those orders good for them to complete despite the loss.

Read harder. I said:

If you pay for the price of the materials, that’s perfectly fine. People like in the screenshot are hoping some new person isn’t paying attention and uses their own stuff.

Why would you be against this? It’s simple to do and would save people from nefarious ne’er-do-wells.

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