What are the rules these days?

I’m more inquiring about terms of service, in regards to streaming.

I ask because I watched countless people silenced for this, which is strange as they incredibly humble and always kind, so it’s not for any kind of hateful comments, especially when you’re able to see the chat, you know that’s not what it was over lol.

I’ve gotten mixed reviews, but the main ones, which have come from WoW content creators on Twitch, Youtube, and TikTok, have all claimed it’s okay to do. I’ve browsed through twitch and have seen plenty of people that use the LFG system for raids/dungeon/pvp and advertised. Weeks on end even(recently returned in the last couple months to WoW).

I mainly ask because I’m confused and if I’m being honest, it’s really does seem to be a “pick and choose” situation as it’s hit or miss with people that it happens to.

I know that there are the possibilities of group reporters(yes, they are around, check social media(main ones I found were on Reddit) that create groups just for the purpose of “report and shut down”.

Is there any clarification as to whether this is still a no-go, or if it has been changed as so many creators have claimed?

Knowing the answer will most likely be yes, I’ll pose a question for you right after that answer.

-Then why does it happen to some streamers, and not all streamers?-

That depends, what is your question? Can you stream, Yes, yes you can, now, those claiming to be silenced aren’t here to provide details but it could be due to advertising, or spamming, or toxicity… lots of reasons lots of people get silenced. It is by no means limited to or even targeted at streamers. So again I ask, what is your question?


In regards to streaming, the rules are all depending on what platform you are streaming. Blizzard’s rules applies to Blizzard’s platforms, so in other words, if going to exploit in-game, Blizzard will take action for you to do that. If going to use profanity in your stream (Over the mic towards a viewing audience), this is all depending on the streaming platform rules.


The question I’m mainly getting to is, why are streamers(I’d say certain ones, but it’s not specific imo, like I said, hit or miss) getting hit with silences for their lfg posts? That’s why I pointed out us being able to see chat so we can see if they are being hateful or rude towards other. Another even went as far as to show the ticket and that it was for the post and it was listed as “advertisement”, which is why I was looking for clarification. It seems like some streamers do it non stop without an issues, and others are hit shortly after trying it.

Advertising of any third party sites is against the Blizzard rules. If reported it would be removed and the account may be penalized. It is not ok to advertise a twitch stream, youtube, website, or even girl scout cookies on Blizzard’s platforms.

If Blizzard wants to promote a streamer, they will do it themselves via their own media.

If you see any website advertising in LFG, chat, or the forums feel free to flag it.

And here is a Blue post from a quick google that backs the - no advertising- stance.

Blizz has never allowed advertising of websites/streams on their platforms. The change for advertising was for just the actual in-game run. A person can offer their, or their guild’s services for gold but it has to be in the Trade Services channel only.


We wouldn’t be able to comment on that unless we had specifications. That said, your LFG posts have to be posts for a non-service run that you are planning on doing now. They can’t be adds for your twitch account carries, for instance, I know that used to be popular before the rules change a few years back.


That’s it, that right there. Now, as far as why others might not be? In order for Blizzard to know about it they have to be reported, no reports, no sanctions. It’s not that “Certain streamers are getting away with it”, it is that no one is reporting the advertising (if they are advertising) of their stream.


I wonder if there’s a bit of a misunderstanding here. There are two LFGs in the game. The one you’re referring to like this, it sounds like, is the chat channel. Using this channel as intended would not lead to any account action.

The silences would be for using the LFG tool, accessed via the Dungeon/Raid matchmaking dialog in this case, where one would list their key in retail looking to fill empty roles. There is also a PvP LFG tool.

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No they’re not. This doesn’t happen. Those stories are always half-truths at best.


No. That is the lie. No system save for squelches are automated at all. Appeals, suspensions, bans and the like are handled by real people. It doesn’t matter what you think in this matter, as you are very blatantly spreading lies and misinformation. You are not being funny, you are not being quirky, you are being a troll and that is not, nor ever will be welcome on this area of the forums.


Surely you have proof of this right? To back up your claims that Blizzard is using this type of automation. Feel free to present your evidence. Else, you are the one that is being misinformed.


Yes, it can be hit or miss because our processes are reactive in nature. If they are violating our Code of Conduct it needs to be reported for it to be reviewed. If it isn’t reported, it won’t be reviewed and nothing will happen.

Streaming itself is fine, we have no jurisdiction over those platforms so it is their policies you have to concern yourself with. Advertising your stream in game or on these forums though, that isn’t permitted.