What are the problems with WoW classic?

thank you, so tired of these folks not understanding. Blizz has a ton of internal data and they can see trends developing. On top of that i am sure server decimation happened the first go around, they had plenty of time to create a solution.

Nothing is wrong with classic on my end. It’s exactly as advertised.

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Premade vs PUGs in BGs are definitely the most frustrating aspect for me personally. Aside from that I dont have much to complain about.

I dont have the problem of faction imbalance on my server (PvE), but something should be done for those that are greatly effected. Not sure what can be done though aside from free transfers.


They’d have to actually work for it.

Yes it is scummy lol. Just cant take the non stop negative comments. Its the same in real life. People always focus on the negatives. Its been a absolute privilege to play classic again. Multiboxing or not im just soaking it all in before its to late.

It’s definitely a community made problem. A bunch of folks who should have rolled pve servers. Instead they rolled pvp servers because of population and cried imbalance when pvp hindered their access to pve content.
This whole mess is because of those players.
Better explained here:

REMOVE SPELL BATCHING! :partying_face:

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I don’t like multiboxing, and I frown upon people who do it. But asking Blizzard to change their look-the-other-way stance on it is a waste of time. People have been complaining about it for 15 years, and nothing has been done, so there is zero chance that anything will be done about it now.

And it’s like steroids in Major League Baseball. If a form of cheating is not policed, people WILL cheat.

If you are upset about multi-boxing you obviously never experienced REAL vanilla with REAL multi-boxers. The API has been restricted out the wazoo to the extent that we can’t even do minor QoL macros let alone fully script heuristics. People QQing just make me laugh.

it is a community made problem lol don’t speak about things you don’t know.

From my point of view, someone who Quests, runs Dungeons, and might one day do some friends and family raiding, the only problem I’ve spotted is Blizzard potentially caving to the money and catering to the content locust again. They could change the leveling in Classic by rolling BC atop Classic servers, they could shove a shop in my face, etc.

Bout it, really.

On the few times I’ve run into one they’ve simply been another quester. They don’t even take as many mobs as a group full of individuals would because they aren’t that coordinated. It’s a non-issue for us, from what I’ve seen. End game likely changes a bit.

-sigh- I should have started this tomorrow, not 20 minutes before work. Oh well, better start replying and clarifying.

You are a multiboxer? Cool. I do have a couple questions for you regarding it.

  1. What do you use for multiboxing? What kind of software or program is it, and what combination of classes do you use, if any?
  2. Other than the main solo’ing and grinding of mobs and dungeons, do you do anything else? Are areas like Blackrock Spire viable for it? What about raid encounters or trash?
  3. Do professions play any kind of part in it?

It sounds like to me you need to find a new guild. I am sorry for how you are being treated, and I truly wish I could help, but this is not what this thread is about. Loot is not one of the points to hit. Thank you for showing some interest in this by posting though.

Write away. I will read and consider every word. We’re all in this together since battlegrounds are linked to all realms and servers.

As for the pvp’ers being Horde… I do not understand why that is. Alliance races seem to have the better benefits for that. Humans with their sword and mace specializations, bonus spirit, and perception vs stealthed druids and rogues. Elves for their ambush abilities. Gnomes for their high Intellect, engineering bonus, and immobilizing, slow, and similar CC break. Finally, dwarves are very hardy with their stoneform and its ability to increase their armor and cure and prevent poisons.
I chose tauren shaman as my main because I wanted to play a more supportive role, so that is likely affecting my judgement on this.

Shamans are the most offensive support class compared to paladins, but totems are made of glass, have a range and some line of sight problems, need to be active as things go on, and are often, in my experience, not worth putting down because the raid is so mixed up.
More often than not, I end up in parties with some combination of casters, hunters, and melee, leading to my mostly using ones like Earthbind, Grounding, and Mana Spring for my own survival.

My hope is that the communities can grow and learn from this thread, and that Blizzard employees will see this and work toward making changes. It’s both Blizzard and the community at fault in this, neither one can fix everything, but, together, they can fix all of them.
Hopefully before The Burning Crusade. If not, yay sanctuary areas!

I am very curious on that myself. Most of the ones I see are more like bots, running around and ignoring most things.
Hopefully, Aoeone can answer my questions.

Haha! Possbily! …which leads to my question for you: Why are you replying to this thread if you think it is a problem? I would have just said nothing and flagged or downvoted it.

I am stumped as to how to reply for you. I do not know what CRBG’s are. My hunter back in vanilla was on a PvE server, and I never touched the pvp because I was really lacking in confidence in myself back then.
Still, thank you for replying to their thread.

Preach it sister!

Hmm. Very good point. However, I am also a believer of facts and the accepting of them.
Either this thread highlights problems and they can be resolves through a joint effort by Blizzard and the community at large, or this thread highlights the problems and we accept nothing can really be changed.

Whichever it is, I will likely remain playing as I have been and rarely getting on the forums unless something sparks my interest. Again, I normally stay in my own realm’s forums.

Thank you for your input. It is food for thought.

Ditto, to most extends. The talents and gear are not the same, nor are some of the bugs and flaws, but it is still fun.

Yeah, the BGs are a grind. I know some people want the rep rewards from it or the rank for gear, but there really isn’t much to be done except to bash, bash, bash your head into the wall until it finally falls.

Thank you for the link. I will check it out tomorrow.

I am against removing spell batching. Honestly, I am just happy to know about it.

Multiboxing was used in vanilla? I am shocked the tech was there for it. As for it being cheating, I do not know. I still need to read the Terms of Service, but even then all I could do is report them for doing so. This is, of course, assuming they are by using illegal software that goes against the ToS.

Still, I am interested in learning about it, just not using it in any format other than manually swapping between the accounts/windows.

I had to copy and paste your name because of the ‘e’. 10 years and I still do not know how people make those weird letters.
Anyway, a programmer I am not, so feedback is interesting. Thank you.

Only problems are those made by man, God does not make mistakes.

Moving on though, if there are complaints, there is the possibility of solutions… unless people do not want those or themselves changed. In which case, this thread has been a waste of my time, your time, and the times of those who have replied and read my post and the other posts here.

Still, I will admit I know nothing about the problems, which is why I am trying to find them out and help work toward a solution.

Yeah. I would quit for good if the shop was introduced. I do hope they make classic and TBC servers separate and leave it at that.

Gotta make a warrior for those sick Warglaives!

for the last time
multiboxing isn’t “Cheating”. it isn’t. You are allowed to have multiple accounts, i have had two for some time, and i healbot the other account while levelling. Completely fine.

  1. The changes made to it.

Cheating, as defined by the Blizzard End User License Agreement:

  • Cheating: Create, use, offer, promote, advertise, make available and/or distribute the following or assist therein:
  1. cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard, influencing and/or facilitating the gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;
  2. bots; i.e. any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that allows the automated control of a Game, or any other feature of the Platform, e.g. the automated control of a character in a Game;
  3. hacks; i.e. accessing or modifying the software of the Platform in any manner not expressly authorized by Blizzard; and/or
  4. any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that can be used in connection with the Platform and/or any component or feature thereof which changes and/or facilitates the gameplay or other functionality;

You may be right, I may be wrong, but it is not my call to me. I am sorry for upsetting you, but I do believe it is something that needs to be addressed and put to rest. I mean, this is only one part of the topics in this thread, but I believe it was important enough, based on other threads, that it should be number 1.

Again, sorry for upsetting you. If you would, I am interested in how you do multibox and the class combinations you have used.

Biggest problem with classic is people are overly sensitive about their realms.

1- is authorized by blizzard, they even walked me through how to link my accounts

2- never touched a bot, your argument is fail

3- Isn’t a hack, is two accounts played on same computer by manual keystrokes

4- no code or software used

Why don’t you get over it, multiboxing is a core part of the game for many people.

I am not the one saying it is bad, just that it needs to be addressed.

Good gosh, I’m going to start doing it myself tomorrow, working on a human paladin to start questing alongside my undead warlock as a RP thing.
Personally, I am interested in the people that use problems for several, entire parties or small raids, of characters. There are even streamers that use it and that is what has made me interested in it!
If anything, I was concerned for multiboxers and the chance of them being banned. My one and only encounter with a multiboxer was a bunch of level 55 gnome mages with no mana that my raid wiped almost instantly.

I NEVER said multiboxing was cheating, only that they may be suspected of cheating.
To quote my own words:
The best we can do as a community is find these people, make a forum post to identify them on the realm forum, and mass report them if they are suspected of cheating.
You are a multiboxer? Cool. I do have a couple questions for you regarding it.

What do you use for multiboxing? What kind of software or program is it, and what combination of classes do you use, if any?
Other than the main solo’ing and grinding of mobs and dungeons, do you do anything else? Are areas like Blackrock Spire viable for it? What about raid encounters or trash?
Do professions play any kind of part in it?

I do not work for Blizzard. I do not work for Activision. I do not work for Activision Blizzard or know anyone who does! At literally no point did I say “multiboxers are cheaters”! If anything, I praised them for their ability to do what they do and am curious how and what they do for my own experience.

I will admit to saying I suspected they might be cheating, but I believe that you are not.
Again, I am sorry for upsetting you. I. Do. Not. Know these things and I do not pretend I do! Why do you think I am posting these questions on the forums!?

Just posted this in another thread

All of this just confirms the biggest problem to classic wow was letting servers become 3-4x bigger than vanilla wow servers because 1) small communities can be managed better to keep the trolls in check and 2) having 3-4x the playerbase with 1x the resources causes prices to sore to ludicrous levels.