What are some of the unwritten rules in WoW?

To minimize risk to your peace and sanity, keep trade chat turned off except when needed.


If you’ve never done something an you’re in a group with others, especially when in a dungeon or raid group, ask the question

If you can’t kill it yourself don’t pull it because most people will stand around an watch you die then once your dead they’ll kill it with their group while you’re corpse running to your body.

don’t always assume every hunter is a hun"tard" i’ll tell you now this hunter isn’t.


Nah, I’ve played this game since the beginning, I’m used to it. Just thought I would share a story of a crappy person.

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Jumping, irrefutably increases dps in PvP!


If you pull adds run them to the tank.
Kill things with a mana bar first (usually).
If you have a pet turn off taunt.
Lay down locks stones or buff people you meet in the wild.
Don’t set up your mount on a mailbox.


You are in the top 1% of healers if you actually dispel and a freaking miracle if you are a DPS and use defensives or dispel what you can.


If you’re farming low level mobs let the questers tag them first.


What are some of the unwritten laws in WOW?

Just one

Any and all unwritten laws arent worth the paper they arent printed on.

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Male Human Paladins are WoW’s biggest scumbags. Kill them on sight.

If you’re Alliance, just /spit on them.


I dont understand this one. Is it so that people can skin afterwards?:thinking:

If you are tanking never bother to take the time to turn the mob from the group or raid.

When buffs were on a lot of classes I would buff every Horde but since they are on only a few I forget I have them and don’t buff anyone. Plus, the Ret Pally buff only works on a single player now instead of being able to buff everyone so I use it on me.

If I had a druid I would off heal with rejuvenation but now you have to take the talent for that and I don’t. Also, I would heal another Horde player if I saw they needed healing as I passed them.

If a fellow Horde player is in trouble with too many adds I would jump in and help.

Back when I originally played if an Alliance player was in trouble I would leave them to it and go about my business. Now it’s about 25% chance I’ll help them out but still tends to be in the low percentage range cause at least half the Alliance players I run across jump on my target over and over to harass me so I ignore Alliance in trouble most of the time.

If something can be dispelled I dispel it, if it can be interrupted I interrupt it, if it can be slowed I slow it, if it can be CC’d I CC it, if it can be healed I heal it. Even on my dps toons. I don’t leave that up to the healer or whomever. I help take some of the load off of them

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If the healer is oom in a dungeon, at least ask ONCE if they need to drink and give them the chance to. Don’t just spam pull until you die because they ran out.


Don’t expect a summon


Always accept a Dwarfs Drinkin’ Challenge.


I actually didn’t know that. Not really unspoken.

Whenever I see a buff put on me, I try to acknowledge the player. It is a friendly thing to do. I Appreciate it.


Using Lifegrip or Swap Blaster on someone without prior discussion makes you a tool.


If I am flying through old zones or even in current content while leveling or WQuesting, when I see someone overpulled I immediately go to help (Shielding/Healing first if I am a healer class)


Stomp the Gnomes and take their pool.
:wink: Fishing is ALL about the PvP.

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