What are some of the unwritten rules in WoW?

Many whelps! Handle it! >.>

Never publicly or privately beg for gold. If itā€™s your guild, check if thereā€™s a rule, and if not then you could possibly politely request it and then work to pay it back.

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Aww, this rule makes me sad. I now know at least two people who have this rule.

But itā€™s an online game! I love the feeling of playing with other people so Iā€™ll usually say a few things, especially if Iā€™m grouped with someone from the same server.

I guess thatā€™s my another rule - In PUGS, always say hi!


Kill every player you come across.

How about stop skipping trash???


Never ever ask a warlock to summon you. Ever.

Itā€™s the equivalent of insulting their mother as i am lead to believe.

Shoulda kept it and left the guild before they could boot you.

Donā€™t drink too many xp pots.


walk softly, but carry a big weaponā€¦

FTFY, Kaivax

  1. When summoned to a group, donā€™t be ā€œthat guyā€ and stand in the summoning spot while mounted and go AFK.
  2. When in LFR or LFG, dual box and put your alt or noob friend on follow because you are more deserving and your time is more valuable than everyone elseā€™s.
  3. There are no mechanics in LFR.
  4. When the tank pulls an entire area of trash, plus the boss in a mythic and the group wipes, kick the healer because it is his/her fault.
  5. Queue up as a tank to get your friends/guildies in a run faster and then drop group so another tank can speed them through.
  6. Queue up as heals and dps in heal spec the entire time. Who needs heals when tailors can make bandages and alchemists can make heal potions?
  7. Never use auto-loot and remain in loot position so that others canā€™t auto-loot and go about their business while you remain undecided.

NO. :smiling_imp:

To add to this, I always believed that itā€™s common courtesy to at least buff someone (if you are capable of doing so) if you were buffed by them yourself.

ā€¦ over the years, Iā€™d say almost no one does this, however. (And I am only counting characters that are active/paying attention when said buff occurs.)

Likewise, if I see someone that is likely to die to enemies, Iā€™ll jump in and help. Personally, I even do this for the opposite faction.

(Again, the favor is rarely returnedā€¦ even from the same people Iā€™ve already helped; though, it is fairly rare for me to put myself in that prediciment, to be fair!)

There are a lot of rules of common courtesy that simply arenā€™t very widespread, especially now, but even in the games earlier years, people tended to not worry much about helping others in the open world. Itā€™s nice to occasionally run across the odd exception, though!

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Someone did for me yesterday. Bless their healing heart.

Always attack things before anyone else and lead them to the tank. Everyone likes the extra loot and it makes the run go faster. Make sure to run through all the spots with fire. It heats your gear up and makes you do more dps.

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I usually wave at them.

Iā€™m happy to mention I get a wave back 9/10ā€™s of the time.

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Which is why they got rid of it - it was USEFUL.

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Blizzard needs to fix this!! Make mailboxes and quest givers mount free zones! At least make it a mount free area far enough so that the mailbox/quest giver is clearly seen.


The first rule of WoW.


If youā€™re having fun, its probably not intended by blizzard.