What are some of the unwritten rules in WoW?

In Dire Maul, kill the Ironbark Protectors before attempting Tendris Warpwood. Just sayin’

Only reply to silly threads.

Before I ever sign up for someone else’s group, I make sure I’m at or near the dungeon/raid entrance. Even if the group description says “summons available”, I still start traveling there, to show I’m making an effort.

It’s especially irksome on transmog runs; you’ll see someone sitting in Boralus for 10 minutes waiting on a summon when in that time they could have easily gotten there, or close to it.

Do not gank lowbies. Doing so makes you absolute trash as a human being.

If you mistakenly hit someone on the other faction with AOE/tab targetting, you can stop doing anything and emote /sorry to them. Most of the time they will stop attacking you as well, and everyone gets along better that way.

Help people in combat near you. Dont just loot and run away like a jerk.

Most importantly of all: if someone does something to you that you dont like, dont carry on and do it to the next person out of spite because it happened to you. Do not perpetuate the system.

So yeah kids, its pretty simple. Be a good person, it makes you friends and is actually fun.


Red = Dead

In WPvP when you’re in a total party wipe, you all wait and rez together as a group.

If you just wiped the WPvP group, go look for the healer who’s hiding and trying to mass rez somewhere safe.

When you see the flagged PvPer sitting AFK, he’s not AFK. He’s got two stealth friends waiting for you to flag and try to kill him.

Don’t break the sheep.

Don’t queue with rez sickness.

Cap 3 in AB and hold.

Do not get suckered into checking on the “unattended” base in AB. There’s someone waiting there to gank you. If you do, don’t expect that we’re gonna come save you when you start yelling “HELP!!!1!” in chat.

Run back on all party wipes. Don’t be that guy who lies there, demanding the rez.

Be at the world quest location before queueing for a party.

Peel for your healers in arenas.

The guy complaining the loudest in BGs is probably the worst player.

If you see someone running for a mob before you that only one person can tag, it’s their tag.

Don’t stand in bad. Don’t outrun the healer, especially if they’ve got channeled heals or cast time. Don’t LOS the healer.

When the tank agros the mob and runs around a wall to do a LOS, go with him.

Don’t face pull if you’re dps. If you pull it, you tank it.

Learn the raid/dungeon before you go in. If it’s your first time tank or heals, tell someone.

Looting the gbank will get you gkicked.

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Yeah unless! Unless you are fighting in a Comp Stomp! Here fighting on the road should be encouraged. Keep kiting those pesky AI opposition toon all over the road and away from nodes lol

I want to stress this point!


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• Don’t cover NPC/mailboxes with large mounts
• Heal any Horde player in need of healing in open world (for healers)
• Help a friendly who agrroed way too much
• Kill any enemy player farming same mats you are (Level doesn’t matter)
• Let low levels tag elites before one shoting them
• Propose to low levels to come with you for transmog

Tanking 101: Face the mob away from the group/raid.


Don’t pull before tank, you don’t know what’s going on behind their screen and the tank is not obligated to drop everything cause you want to take on the whole football team at once


When you’re playing one of the more uncommon race/class combination and you see someone else with the same, always /highfive them. :smiley:



Do Unto Others Before They Do Unto You.

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Problem is, nowadays events move so fast and I move so slow, I will be in the middle of a fight, some kind soul will buff me, and by the time I can finish and safely turn around, the player is gone, so I cannot /whisper “thanks”. The best I can do is just “say” thanks and hope the see the conversation balloon over my head.
In the meantime, if I see one player surrounded by a group of mobs, I pile on.

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My class needs buffs.

Yours needs to be nerfed.

“Oops I already learned it”?

That would typically result in a kick if its my group tbh

Unwritten rule:


Never play an expansion at the start.