What are some of the unwritten rules in WoW?

Dismiss your pet before jumping to a lower level. :wink:


If you post an unwritten rule, doesn’t it then become a written one?


Rule 1:

Rule 6:

Having fun usually results in a ban or deletion of said thing.

Allow the tank to position the mobs/boss before you start using stuns/roots.

When in a random dungeon, DPS MUST pull everything ahead of the tank and blame the tank when they die.

This needs to be a login screen hot tip.

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And it puts a huge bullseye in the middle of your forehead as well as a paper sign on your back that reads “Kill me! Kill me!”

Dismount when you’re around an npc. Especially if you’re on one of those unnecessarily large ones.

Turn taunt off so you don’t pull aoe packs apart you silly pet classes you.

These are some of the unwritten rules I try to follow

  • If I have the ability I will buff
  • if i see someone struggling with a mob I will help
  • if I see someone on the same quest i always ask if they would like to team up
  • I will always loot if i see a skinner in the area, unless they are just following me around.
  • Always try to be pleasent in dungeons/raids
  • If I see a rare pet for hunters I announce it or rare battle pets like the Unborn Valkrye
  • If I get apiece of gear i don’t need i will ask someone if they need it

I do it because to not to is wasteful but I feel horrible about skinning doggies. =/

if you dont release immediately, I’ll eat you

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not anymore
unless you’re a hunter

I’ll piggyback off this.

It grinds my gears when people get invited to a group and immediately say “summon?”


“#4 What happens in WoW, stays in WoW.”

I’m reminded of the corollary, “What happens in Vegas never happens to me.”

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You will most likely die from an untimely UC elevator death at some point

The fancy end-raid mount will ALWAYS be master-looted to the raid leader’s gf first. Doesn’t matter that she rolled a 93 over your 90 after rolling was closed because she was AFK soon as Ragnaros v2 died. Doesn’t even matter than the raid leader had already looted it to you; you get to trade it over. sighs

More importantly: if the healer is still alive, DO NOT RELEASE. Give them a gorrammed chance to rez you, unless you are not in a boss fight and can zerg back to the group.
Preferrably WITHOUT pulling any of the trash you skipped. STOP PULLING TRASH WE SKIPPED.


If you see someone fighting an elite, stun it and help them out.

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Exploit early, exploit often.

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