What are PVP servers like?

PvP servers are pointless. They always end up completely lopsided like they are now. Blizzard admitted they were a mistake when they introduced warmode.

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WoW players havent figured this out yet but PVP in a mass-multiplayer setting isn’t about 1v1. it’s not about which class counters which. it’s about securing hunting grounds and supply chains.

in WoW, higher levels never took it to themselves to protect mid-level questing zones, or transit nodes. They just complained about them being camped but never reinforced them.

WoW will not be an EVE world ever. There’s no speaking of PVP in it, it’s a temporary and mutually frustrating experience lacking any meaningful long-term purposes.


Warmode is just one part of many parts of why I no longer play retail.

That in no way answered my question lmao. Which class(es)?

Maybe I’m just leveling on a dead realm (indendius) but pvp isn’t as bad as it was when classic launched. It happens every once in a while in mostly organic ways. There are some jerk offs that do gank camp you over and over for some reason but its mostly just people ignoring each other. Back at the beginning of classic world pvp was all over, with both sides forming groups to counter gank. And of course during phase 2 it was so bad a good number of us just stopped playing - I only recently got back into classic a couple weeks ago

This is a very apt description. The highs are higher and the lows are lower.

Yeah, this is a great description of what a PVP server is like.

I’ve spent thousands of hours herbing/mining in Steppes/Silithus, and I firmly believe that the experience is a lot more “intense” when you’re on a PVP server.

I’ve won and lost Lotuses/RTVs in PVP scenarios many times, and just had a fantastic battle at Blackrock Stronghold over one this morning.

I arrived first at the Lotus and it spawned too close to the 2 mobs so I started to try to kill them. A NE hunter shows up and attacks, so I fear the mobs and pet, intercept the hunter, pop recklessness and kill the NE hunter. Then I kill one of the original 2 mobs near the Lotus and then die to the other 4-5 mobs.

So the hunter is racing back to the Lotus and I’m like a second or two behind him in ghost.

Hunter rezzes and immediately starts picking the Lotus. I rez as fast as possible and charge through the other mob (so the hunter can’t freeze me), and stop the hunter right when he was about to pick the Lotus. I kill the hunter and then Viking Helm sap the mob so I can pick the Lotus.

And there’s been scenarios where I’ve lost Lotuses in similar fashion. But I feel like it adds a fun/frustrating dimension to the game that makes the experience richer.

But if a person gets too aggravated by PVP or losing valuable items to PVP (herbs/nodes) or getting interrupted when they’re doing something by PVP, then it’s probably not for that person. There are definitely times when it’s frustrating (i.e. getting buffs dispelled, getting camped, running into a big group of alliance at the wrong time), and then there’s times when it’s incredibly rewarding (getting jumped and turning the tide and killing multiple alliance, snatching herbs/mines from people), etc.

Depends on the person and what they want out of wow.

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Empty. The game is dead.

I only play PVP realms after having played a PVE realm and it’s much more fun if you can stomach dying.

Differences? The world is more dynamic and exciting, your choices matter more, and you see alot more variety.

You have to consider the population, but ALSO the faction balance of each server. But this can always change too and it never remains static.

Then you have to consider your race and class combo and therefore faction too. Do you want OP orc stun resist? Or do you want +5 to swords or mace?

Whole aspects of the game become more relevant.
PVP specs are much more useful in a PVP realm when just doing “everyday things”. So you see alot more variety here.
Stamina and other survival items on DPS classes become more useful, so this opens a whole lot of variety of gear options. So this affects not only raiding but even the economy.
Your choices in profession matters too. Engineering on your character suddenly becomes more viable.

There’s also a whole aspect of diplomacy (or the “social game”) that opens up. You suddenly get to know your server better, not only your own faction but also the opposing faction. You know which of your faction members are cowards, and which ones arent. You also know which of the opposing faction are usually friendly, and which ones are KOS. You have to try and communicate without actually using words. Maybe its emotes? Maybe its helping the alliance player (as a horde or whatever) down a mob that hes having abit of trouble on? Who knows.
Then you have to consider whether or not this player on the opposing faction SHOULD be helped. Maybe you help him now, but the next day he kills a guild member, or a friendly, or even you. Or he’s able to tag a mob that drops some epic item or something, which you wouldve if you kill him.
Or you do help him, and you just made a friend on the opposite faction!

On the flip side, there’s much more faction comraderie because everyone instinctively knows that if an opposing faction member attacks your faction, you’ll be next but with an even bigger disadvantage than if you had just helped…

As another post mentioned, there’s another aspect of the game that opens up: Territory and resource control. Fighting over nodes and farm spots it one of the most fun things of world PVP. Rallying horde to take back winterfall village from the alliance guild is hella fun. World bosses suddenly become more than just a spectator sport if you dont have a tag; you can actually influence the outcome of the fight!. Devilsaur/BL mafias were much more impactful on a PVP server.

PVP servers are alot more player-driven and sandboxy than regular servers. It’s more RPish as well since the whole backdrop of the game is horde vs alliance.


It safer. I don’t get angry. I just want quest and zen out. Not worry about some horde ganking when I just want to relax.

That not me. I rather not go slower on already slow quest. I’m also not bloodthirsty. I rather have let them be and quest while I do the same.
Ganking also not fun and ruins everyone morale unless you a sociopath.

I’ll be the coward. Got finish that quest to end game i’m not even going to do.

Then again I’m on a pve server ;p

Think of Night Elf priests shadowmelding waiting by Song Flowers in Felwood doing dispells world Buffs.

Now imagine Dwarf priest with Fear ward dispelling your raid on the way to the BWL orb and Druids stealthed waiting to battle res the priest

Now imagine multi-boxing rogues with sappers or mages with some to erase your raid to remove world buffs

Yeah our guild has dealt with these. Most world PVP is about removing world buffs

I was in southshore today, walking to SM. I ran across about 5 different players way lower level then me, i insta-dot’d them as i ran by. That brought the attention of a 60 mage that corpse camped me for about 20 min.

Really slowed down my run to SM, but was fun :rofl: