What are grummles?

Greetings friend of the grummles<3

What are grummles? Are they little bears? Otters? Extra fuzzy mountain gnomes?

Also, when can I play one? :dizzy:


They’re friends of mine.


Kind of, sort of, somewhat in the neighborhood of something like that… I think…

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Grummles are evolutionary cousins to pigmies.
I meant to say Troggs, pygmies share the skeleton their model is based on.

They’re the little guys that carry huge merchant packs up the mountains in Mists of Pandaria.

Well…Yes but… They kind of look like tiny bears, have you seen their face? Little bear muzzle or something goin’ on there. It’s freakin’ adorable I tell ya!

I have always thought of them as distant cousins of the kobolds. Friendlier and fuzzier.

Well Swarf, that’s a neighborhood I wouldn’t mind being a part of.

Would anyone else play one?

Grummle mage casts Greater Luckydoo!
It crits for 9000 cool points


Personally my alt game is pretty pitiful and I just stick to my lil whirly basher, but grummies have some potential as a playable race, sure. I’d at least like to see them again in some future content. Grummies are in the ‘untapped potential’ category.

Hmm… Yeah I’m sure there is a lot they could do with them.
Things like: Starting with a 63 slot bag! Why? I don’t know!...

Maybe some fun racials such as:
The Grummle shuffle! Run really fast with your tiny legs! For ten sec.

Friend of the Grummles! x% haste for party members. Why? Because! But also time flies with friends!

Idk haha just fun ideas, their travel pack they carry would be an interesting Heritage item, and those mini tents are pretty cool. :dizzy:

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You now you can see about it in the MoP side quests you do with them.

That’s it. BLIZZARD!!! We need a Grummle battle pet. Do it.

The keepers of the luckydos.

Grummles and Grot are my best friends, they pull my wagon through Summits of Kun-Lai.

Grummles are Troggs that the Mogu got their hands on and transformed, creating them to serve as a slave race. They rebelled alongside the Pandaren, Jinyu and other sentient races under the thrall of the Mogu and freed themselves from the Mogu’s grip.

Doubt they’ll ever be playable honestly.

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Well that’s quite alright!

At least the little things are free and livin’ their best life.
I’m sure Uncle Bigpocket will share all the coins & luckydoos from mount sales with his gurmmle pals. <3 :dizzy:

I want to know what Chordy did in life to earn a spot in Maldraxus. What events in his life as a grummle deemed him worthy to serve in the army of the Shadowlands?


I must go and see this amazing grummle…

Searches online


What in the worldofwarcraft… Are…Are you sure this Chordy is a grummle?!..

I’ll have to inform Uncle Bigpocket and return Chordy’s luckydoo…

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You see when a mommy goblin and a daddy panda…

I don’t know what they are, but they must be lawyered up with that whole litigation thing when you despawn the mount.