What are grummles?

They get all up in your business asking what your luckydo is like excuse you. That’s personal information not you. Get up outta my business fools!

I miss them so much.

…have a terrible mix-up at the fertility clinic?

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You know what…I don’t like any of the “short” races, really, outside of DID. But I’d play a Grummle.

I’m out of likes, so everyone here…
Please take this +1 coolpoint a free luckydo !

(Talks to self)
I still think they’re some super secret breed of tiny bear…Hmm… :thinking:

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Imagine all of the new jokes about yaks they could add! :expressionless: I’m honestly not sure if there’s anymore out there, but they can try.

Do not speak their names…let those heinous abominations stay on that mountain where they belong. It’s debatable if they are more annoying than murlocs…probably not though but it is close.


Easy with the distaste for murloc’s and our smol friends ova heyuh.
(Covers their tiny ears.)

They are both an important and valued member of this team and!..
Where was I going with this? Right right… They are cool…

You don’t like them? :frowning: howcome?

~p.s~ I’d rather play a murloc hatch-ling like in heroes of the storm <3