What are Friendship Runs?

This is from Reddit:

" The Friendship Dragon initiative

What is this Friendship Dragon, some of you might ask. Friendship Dragon is the continuation of a community initiative that was started all the way back in WoD with Friendship Moose and then continued with Friendship Birb in Legion. The point of the initiative is that a group of players help others with defeating N’zoth, The Corruptor in order to obtain the Uncorrupted Voidwing mount. There will be multiple organisers and communities that will put together groups of experienced raiders to help those in need of the mount completely free of charge." (bold added by yours truly)

I know…you’re all like “But Che! This is not the EU! WE want our Friednship Run in the US! Also, not everybody is Horde! What gives??”

Not to worry, Perky Pugs are back and they started their runs May 4th. Here’s a link to their Twitter feed with Discord info. Enjoy!
