What am I missing

Like almost everyone, I came to Classic, joined up with retail friends who were also coming over and joined a guild with a bunch of folks who had been on our disc and always acted normal. Then that entire guild fell apart because the entire officer corps turned out to be either psychotic on disc, trolls in the game, or both. Started a new toon on a new server only to find out that it was the preferred home of white supremacists. I am a white, conservative vet and yes, I was able to tell that server was garbage. For my third attempt, I picked a server that was pretty much chill on their discord, not anti retail, not psycho, not really any -ist at all. Tried three guilds there and they are either non talking retailesque guilds or they are so friggin political that the discords are no fly zones. What the heck am I missing? I have grouped with a lot of decent folks so I know they are out there, but it seems like the moment I get into discord, it is a free for all that sounds like CNN in a cage match with Fox AND Msnbc. Are there any guilds out there that just play the game to enjoy the game?


Keep looking friend. Eventually, you will find a home where you belong :slight_smile:


What server types are you rolling on?

Sorry for your luck. My guild hasnā€™t had any real drama. Penty of good folk who support each other and just want to have a good time.

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There are definitely good people and places to play out there in the classic universeā€¦though it sounds like from these forms they can be hard to find sometimes. I guess I just got lucky that I stumbled into one such corner at launch.

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I have tried PvP, Pve and RP PvP. Not really getting the same feels I had back in 05.

It never will. Back then everything was new. I still enjoy it, but never same as it was in high school back in 04ā€™ playing the game stoned. Ah, man those were the days.

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Huh, Iā€™m 2/2 pretty solid groups. I wouldnā€™t have left the first one but an IRL bud needed to change raid schedule, so I went with him. The first guild was understanding and I still hang out in their disc.

The second one is chill as well, mostly other analysts/IT peeps so we talk shop and as a group mess around with streamers.

Sounds kinda like bad luck. But also remember, if its a raiding guild there are at least 40 members. In 40 people, thereā€™s bound to be some variation in opinions and spirited folks.

Hope you find a good group to play with, thatā€™s basically the entire premise of vanilla.

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Thank you. This is all social and levelling, which is why I keep taking 1 to 2 month breaks. I actually expect more conflicting personalities in raiding guilds.


Yeah, esp due to loot and performance being a key driver for many people. It can create animosity compared to a casual leveling guild.

I wonder if to a certain extent the structure typically imposed in raiding guilds helps facilitate more constructive conversations. I was in a casual retail guild for a little while and they were pretty decent too.

Since you do keep it casual though, you can more freely scout around until you find a group you enjoy hanging out with. Itā€™s hit or miss, but you arenā€™t ever locked down and thereā€™s a lot of guilds to test.

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My guld, Mighty Ducks of Azeroth, on Blaumeux, is pretty awesome. Everyone is chilled out, and the riff raff gets dealt with quickly. We also raid, so thatā€™s a plus. :slight_smile: Always welcome to join! We have lots of people leveling alts all the time so there is group content going on at all level brackets as well.

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Whats the white supremacist server plz and what was guild name? Asking for a freind ofc.

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join pagle. i have toons in 3 guilds and none are political white supremacist retailesque w/e you said.

On every realm there are 10,000-30,000 normal people, and 2 to 10 awful people ā€“ bigots, people addicted to talking about sex to strangers, and other ā€œcreepsā€.

Those few ā€œcreepsā€ spend all day talking on /chat. In retail I turned off the /chat channel years ago. In Classic realms, some of them use the LFG (/4) channel, to get a wider audience for their ongoing conversations.

Donā€™t judge 20,000 people based on 2-10 creeps.

Some guild are like that too. I donā€™t like casual profanity. The last guild I joined, the profanity filter blocked 3 of the first 4 sentences spoken (by 3 different players). So I quit. It was clearly a guild for people who enjoyed swearing (probably children).

OP went from a brietbart guild to a Stonetoss guild, and now his worlds turned upside down. ā€˜ā€˜So many white supremacists, they r everywhere, what happened? Why do they all hate ben shapiro?? I thought he was BASED, what do you mean 109 countries?ā€™ā€™


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I think I know what guild heā€™s talking about based on saying heā€™s played on an RPPVP server - or at least the guild that is the root for that serverā€™s obsession and incessant gossip about white supremacists.

Look into a guild called Enclave from Grobbulus.

Oh I think I heard of them, they sound hilarious, Iā€™d be tempted to join except that I loath RP servers, and the kind of people that usually inhabit them.

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This guild in particular seems to be the real deal when it comes to white supremacists trying to radicalize people on the internet, but who knows. They were removed by Blizzard after a Senator posted a screen shot of the GM doing some really distasteful stuff.

Unfortunate that they had enough impact on the server to still sort of leave their mark on it 8 months later.

Woah, that sounds based af.