OP wants to make a new character to fit the theme of their new mount. Sethrak aren’t playable.
Those are jawas. You can’t convince me of anything different.
DI dwarf .
Well, there are the wastewanderes of Uldum that are humans, so…
I’d say Kul’tiran or Human (same thing pretty much I know) but with the new customization, you can definitely make an accurate desert based character.
I mean, it depends on what kind of living situation your going for, were they born in the desert? did they family settle there? Push comes to shove you can always go the “lone wanderer” or “isolated hermit seeking solitude” routes, those tend to open things up a bit more. Push comes to shove though, I do believe theres a group of humans from Uldum not affiliated with the Alliance you could use as a base if your looking for “born and raised in the desert”.
Honestly everyone else kinda hit the nail on the head with humans, dwarves, or gnomes . . . though you could always try a high / void elf or a night elf loner if ya wanna go with something more out there.
Sand gnomes(they are real look it up)
Hmm,I will say druid but I truth alliance doesn’t have a desert dweller race. Gnomes have been known to live in remote areas because of their engineering skills can help them survive.
Humans already live down in Tanaris and Uldum: The Wastelanders initially raided Steamwheedle Goblin water wells before being driven away down to Uldum, where they became tomb raiders and bandits. Recently, they assisted the player character against the forces of N’zoth, because pillaging becomes a lot less appealing when an Old God kills everyone.
Dwarven pirates also exist down there in Tanaris, so they probably have the versatility to survive in the desert! There is a singular Gnome who lives there with her Goblin love as well.
Really, I feel any race can exist in the desert, but those are some examples I know of!
There’s that faction bunch of tomb-robbers in Uldum that consist of humans - So I’d wager them as a first.
Secondly I’d say Draenie – Keep in mind they settled on the savage environment of Draenor, and many of their kin survived the harsh horrors of the cataclysm which broke the world.
Thirdly the Lightforged Draenie - They’ve lived on worlds taken by the Legion, and areas reduced to emblazed ash.
Fourthly, I’d say the Dark-Iron Dwarves. They’re fairly resistant to hot temperatures so a desert wouldn’t be too harsh upon them.
Dwarves, probably. They already hang out in Uldum for their digsites and things. Gnomes as well, since there’s stuff like Gadgetzan
Well theres sand gnomes in terrokar forest.
Humans first. Then Gnomes.
Reminder on top of Uldum stuff, ‘Sand Gnomes’ do exist. Bit of a meme, but they’ve been used more than once, so that’s a thing I guess.
None, we are smart enough to move to another more desirable location
Worgen. Coyotes live in deserts.
What was the name of this human thief group around Uldum? I recall them because in BFA, in one of Nzoth’s assault, there was this badass female human thief wrestling a giant elite by herself, and her friends telling you that there has been nothing he has never beat before, but might need help here.
Pretty awesome if you ask me.
Sand Gnomes, duh!
Dwarves. Mountainous rocky terrain, and even seen in several areas such as blasted lands which is for lack of better words, very much a desert. They also tend to be found in all areas of the world due to their inventive/curious natures. They also are great smiths/blacksmiths, and kind of goes with an a “Drinking” habit. Could go for a miner theme too.