What alliance race would live in a desert?

a simple question, what alliance race would live in a desert? i just got me a dune scavenger mount (hyena from vol’dun) and want to make a desert themed character on the alliance, but uh… havin a bit of trouble imagining any of them living in a desert… closest i could say is ‘humans’ but the humans in WoW don’t have any settlements in WoW’s deserts…

i dunno. any ideas what race i could pick alliance-side that would live in the desert?

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You already know the answer: A Sethrak, who stole it from a Vulpera.


would if i could, but sethrak are’nt playable, or on the alliance, so… a nice suggestion, but not an option, or really an answer for the question.


Most likely humans. They’ve lived in almost every environment. They’re also archaeologists and explorers.


I’ll get back to you.


Humans, gnomes, dwarves. Humans are the top contender, dwarves and gnomes seem good as the “explorer” type.
Honorable mention to Nelf for attempting settlements in Silithus, but they were also attempting to “un-desert” the… desert.

Well dwarves are always out poking ruins with sticks and nearly ending the world so… dwarves…


Actually, the Nelfs were only working on trying to fix Desolace and the Barrens. Tanaris was originally a jungle, but turned arid after the Sundering. The trolls adapted and became the sand trolls. The Nelfs went to Silithus to stop Qiraji, because they were beginning to spread, but never fussed with Tanaris.


To be fair, I was just barely remembering Barny’s summary of the War of the Shifting Sands. I remembered something to do with Nelves, deserts, and the usual Nelf activities.

I just wanted to be a major lore nerd and drop some knowledge for people. Because I’m a dork. :grin:


There are actually desert dwelling humans in Uldum, they are called Wastewander Bandits.

There is a Wowpedia article on them, but I cannot link it.

Hope that helps! If not… maybe dwarves or Kul Tirans? Kul Tirans can be roleplayed as pirates and they can take whatever they find on their adventures, including hyenas. Just food for thought.


Scratch nelf from the list, then!

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We definitely don’t need more dorks. :crazy_face:

Either humans or bronzebeard dwarf.
Humans (wastewander) lived in Tanaris since the third war and in Uldum since the cataclysm, they’re depicted to use camels as their mounts, however, we’ve seen them use hyenas as pets and hyenas are also native to both zones. I don’t think it would be a reach to use them as mounts either.
Dwarves, as I can see a member of the explorers league that’s been stationed a lot in Uldum use one of the local animals as mounts.

Also, you can use pretty much any race if you decide to go with the merchant/mercenary route of your character since Gadgetzan is placed in Tanaris and a neutral goblin trade city.

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Humans. Also Sethrak, but we don’t get winged Sethrak until next expansion.

Sand Gnomes.


Just barely beat me to it.


Totally forgot about sand gnomes, I wish we knew more about them.

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Also I feel like there’s a strong argument that where the Dark Irons live is a desert, not a whole lot of moisture or vegetation here:


Humans and dwarves because they explore.