What alliance race is ideal?

I am looking to start an Alliance prot/fury warrior. I am stuck on what race may have the most merit. I feel that Kul Tiran are more a tank then dps, but DID are more well rounded to do both. Humans with their stat bonuses make them a potential too. That is just from considering their racial bonuses. I am sure that the racial bonuses are not game changers, but are they worth taking in consideration?

Are you pushing Mythic Raids or M+25?

no plans to do that yet, not for some time. would that sway the choice?

A lil? The numbers from racials are so small they only really matter (if at all) if you’re doing the most extreme and demanding content.

The utility powers are more generally applicable, Kul Tirans with their stun, DID with their awesome debuff remover that buffs them.

And then of course aesthetics.


so preferred one would be at least in your opinion?

You wouldn’t go wrong with either KTs or DIDs if you’re doing Fury/Prot, Haymaker would be good on certain mobs and occasionally in PVP, and Fireblood would always be useful.

So I say go with the one you like the aesthetics of.

Night elf for threat drop, DID for more defense, Mechagnome for a smidge more damage, we could list a bunch of stuff. To be honest, it really does not make any real difference. You can be any race and be able to clear whatever. In other words, your skill as a player will vastly outshine any racial buff.


This ^

Those abilities only really make or break when you get into min/maxing at the most extreme of content.

Be a dwarf.

Why be anything else when you can be a dwarf? Especially with extra crispy variants available now.


I get a ton of use out of Stoneform. Constantly dispelling myself of different stuff.


I’d recommend Night Elf for the massive quality of life Shadowmeld offers in the open world. Being able to zerg through a World Quest, Shadowmeld to get out of combat, and mount up to leave makes a world of difference. If not for that in BfA I probably would’ve just hung myself due to the titanic amount of dailies and weeklies that expansion demanded from the player.

Gnome :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Shadowmeld can be pretty great for negating targeted mechanics, and Gnome or Human for mechanics which do not target or otherwise pass through invisibility. Stoneblood/Fireblood are likewise pretty great for bleed negation, etc. Honestly, the only poor outlier to me for PvE is Void Elf, and mostly just due to its GCD cost (else it’d still offer decent situational advantages, even if more aimed at PvP).

Can confirm i rarely use my racial in current PVE content. Can be half decent in pvp (can use it while rooted).

I’m a sucker for the taller races so draenai or LF draenai.

best racial i heard is chonky boy aka kul tiran

Night elf gang


Pandaren. Epicurean helps and when you’re in world content that halves fall damage really helps

Gnome master race

All alli races are the same when lyn on the ground bleeding out… where they belong

Worgen are good though for tuckn tail and running…