What alliance race is ideal?

KT or DID for % based dmg reduction

Technically it would Mechagnome if you’re wanting just absolute best. But Alliance racials aren’t really that great for DPS, so any will do honestly. None of our core races have any sort of damage increasing active like on Horde. Human is pretty solid imo just for the extra secondary stats. It’s not as much as a flat 1% on other races but since it applies to all secondaries it’s solid imo. As for tanking, definitely Dwarf/Dark Iron/Kul’Tiran

Gnome and mecha Gnome only

Personally I like standard Draenei and Kyrian covenant because, for M+, as Fury Warrior that gets you a stupid amount of AoE burst with Spear of Bastion + Signet, plus if you macro Rallying Cry + Vial + Light of the Naaru you can get back to 100% depending on the situation and purge lots of debuffs, that’s a huge bump to reactive survivability. On high M+ keys this might give your healer some breathing room, and depending on the comp it might mean the difference against wiping or not.

Night Elfs, because you can somersault when jumping.

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Master race checking in. Draenei