What Alliance race for Warlock?

Got four (maybe five) contenders.

-Void Elf
-Dark Iron Dwarf
-(maybe Human)

Worgen… but i might be Bis (also the blood troll mog is :face_with_monocle:)

Void Elf isnt a bad option i guess

humans are over rated but the prefect choice if you are going after reputations as fast as possible.

Worgen, with priest mogs.

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Void elf, duh! I might be biased though.

Human cuz they are the most corrupt

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Draenei for the impending red skin and fel-green eye customization? Any joker can dial up a demon, but who else can actually be a full-time demon.


Feels like Dark Iron were made for Warlock. They look incredible.

They also were like one of the earliest concepts on Azeroth of warlocks.

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Well, we’re called Draenei but come on.


Drenai. With new costumisations its gona be a banger.


Draenei no doubt. Maaaybe dark iron but gear doesn’t look good on dwarves can’t show off their beards I feel.

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If you must taint yourself and go Alliance, either Void Elf or Dark Iron Dwarf. Human females look great as casters too.

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With the upcoming Man’ari skin tones, I’d definitely go Draenei/Eredar.


Night Elf is the only answer you need. Because of Feldrassil.

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Nelf because SMeld is the best racial ever.

If you insist on sticking to your list, go draenei.

I prefer Dranei, lightforged/ Dark Iron, and worgen. But The worgen idle noises are irritating so I only have a druid.

It depends on what you want out of the different races and the content you’re interested in. If you’re relatively casual and a mog collector, go with void elf, draenei or human females. If you’re into rep grinds, human has the best racial (diplomacy). Dark iron has great racials for M+ and raids.

If you’re choosing based on background/story stuff, you can’t go wrong with any of them. Have fun!

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Dreanei,dark iron or worgan.

Out of the ones you listed, Void Elf would be best. I have a Void Elf Warlock. Cloth transmogs are pretty good, and they are cheaper as a Void Elf. The little teleport is nice. And they have that anti spell pushback, which might be good for Destruction PvP? I never play Demo so idk if they have a cast bar going on. I usually play Affliction, and it has more insta cast dots than cast bar type spells.

Mechagnome Racials are pretty Rockin. I have a Mechagnome Rogue and a Mechagnome DK. But my Warlock and Monk are Void Elves.

Pick a light goat. We’re the best!

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Gnome, obviously. The chaos bolts are are bigger than we are!