What Alliance race for Warlock?

Draenei for the upcoming Eredar look.

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For the more popular choices right now on the Alliance thereā€™s Worgen, Void Elves, Draenei, Dark Iron Dwarves, Kulā€™tirans if you are into Drust Stuff, Human, and Night Elves with the Highborne.

Dark iron or Worgen for theme

Human for racials

A void infused race (void elf) fits nicely with the warlock class.

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But Feldrassilā€¦

You canā€™t tell me Night Elf canā€™t be the answer.

Draenei, youā€™ll get Eredar customizations in 10.7.


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Night elf would be my 2nd choice. Most of my toons are night elves. One of the void elf racials is nice for a caster (spells are not delayed when you take damage), but boy do I miss shadowmeld.


Wait - you said Alliance?

Undead thenā€¦

Draenei. Make some of the losers on here sputter and twitch.

I prefer the Night Elves over every other elf. Never original rolled one until recently when the Warlocks were unlocked for the Night Elves. I donā€™t mind Void Elves, but I find the racial pretty pointless now for casters, especially when you can kill things still pretty fast. Plus with the Voidwalker tanking, youā€™re pretty much not really needing much of the racial.

Well that and shadowmeld.

Its a great aggro break in pve.

also fun in pvp. Non stealthy classesā€¦hide now. Nice for tower defence imo.

THat is funny. Some forget they have had s. priests since tbc.

draenai for reasons

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the combat one maybe but the tmog discount yo

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Dark Iron Dwarf
maybe Draenei when the red skin becomes available.